Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Harry Styles


The story only circulated for a few days, I hadn't heard from Iris after the night we were together so I assumed she was okay over all of this, not that it would be my problem if she wasn't. But at least I hadn't had to deal with her whiney self over the past few weeks.

I'm not in NYC anymore due to tour, we're on a tight schedule so I couldn't even stay in the city for a while until the whole Iris situation was sorted.

The drive to PA is fucking long, I had a few successful shows in Florida in the last two weeks, just another one in Pittsburgh and I'm back to MSG for another couple nights.

I love to perform, it's my favourite thing to do. Just stepping on stage and feeling that rush hit you like a ton of bricks is so overwhelming. Stepping into one of my shows you can automatically feel how much your needed in my life. It's crazy to think one day I won't be doing this. The whole tour thing.

Even if I'm in a fucking wheelchair that won't stop me from being on stage, I'll have a fucking guy moving my legs if I have to. It's tough also being on tour, having to juggle real life, new albums and press. Never mind the press that came out, normally everything's good but then sometimes you'll spot some bad shit like mine and Iris'.

My new album is meant to come out sometime next year, though I haven't even started writing it. I cant think of one thing to base it on.

Niall's spread across the lounge sofa opposite me, the tour bus is big enough but when you have a Niall I don't think it could ever be smaller.

"I'm just saying Harry, I don't think it would be a bad idea for the little scandal you've got going on," I huff rolling my eyes, new pictures came out from the party this morning a few involving me looking high off my fucking head, well I was on cloud nine. It pisses me off that Niall couldn't be there, these pictures would've never gotten out if he had. Now the shits really starting. You can clearly see it's me.

Iris has it way worse, there's a full blown video obviously filmed in someone's pocket of leading me to the fucking bedroom obviously high and drunk. It's fucking stupid to do that when there's people there you hardly know, that doesn't even apply to just her though myself too. If we was more cautious then we wouldn't be here right now.

"It's sounds like a stupid fucking idea Niall, no I'm not doing it" Shaking my head at him whilst pushing my hair back,

"Your being a stuck up twat,' He snickers at me making me raise my brows at his behaviour, practically pushing this on me.

"If you do this, her career doesn't get thrown down the drain, and you don't loose your fucking record deal!! It's pure gold mate" His voice raised clearly getting agitated with me.

Not that I even care about her career but it does mean that I'd have less of a chance of having my label chuck me onto the streets. Still, I'm not fucking doing it. Not with her.

" 'm not telling you to be all lovey fucking dovey with her just, think about it okay!!"

"Saying your a couple would be perfect for this, put down your bloody ego for once and think about what this could effect." This makes me think for a while, what could possibly go wrong with being in a fake relationship. I wouldn't have to see her annoying ass that much right? Just a few pap pics here and there,

If I do this is it's for me and me only, I'm not acting like I'm fucking in love with her because quite frankly I cannot stand her since those pictures came out. Fully jeopardising our Jobs.

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