Memories and Threats

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"Don't be ashamed Wise-girl, I'm the god of lust, you don't have to hide your desires from me. I won't ever think little of you," Percy answered which made Annabeth smile.

"He is not joking; you saw how the two of us fuck. But outside of the bedroom he gives me the same respect that he gives to everyone." Silena answered smiling back at her master.

Annabeth nodded smiling then asked, "Are we done?"

Percy smirked and snapped his fingers. A simple and small throne appeared inside the bedroom. Percy walked towards it and sat down. He looked like a king, despite the simplicity of the throne, and his nakedness.

His hard erect dick was saluting the ceiling. Percy wrapped his arm around his shaft and started stroking slowly; he looked at the girls and smirked. "Now why don't you two crawl your way here, and give a combined blowjob."

Third Person Pov

Percy woke up to find himself sleeping between two naked women. Both Silena and Annabeth were lost in the realm of Morpheus. He woke up and stretched as he looked outside the balcony to his island. He vapor traveled himself outside the palace. The forest smell of the island was the best thing he had ever experienced. After living in the city for years, this place felt like Elysium.

A wolf walked up to him and nuzzled against his legs. Percy looked down and petted her head, "Good Morning Aliz, how is my little wolf?" He crouched and scratched her belly.

The wolf whined when he retracted his hand, begging for more. Percy tried to resist, but he couldn't. Not after he made the mistake of looking at her eyes. "Alright but the next time I'm seriously not going to fall for those eyes," He grumbled and sat down, scratching his wolf. Aliz appreciated the effort and howled happily at him. She was the second biggest wolf he had ever seen, the first being the goddess Lupa.

The animals on the island were the only reason Percy hadn't gone off the rails. Living isolated, they were his only family. He could talk to them about anything. He could unravel all his fears, hopes, regrets, dreams, sorrows to them, and they wouldn't judge him. They wouldn't use the information against him. They were the perfect friends he could trust.

"You're pretty good with animals," Someone said from behind him. Percy turned to see that it was Artemis. She was smiling at him. She was in her 18 year old form. Percy couldn't help but get lost in her beauty. Artemis' curves would give many goddesses a run for their money. Her auburn hair was tied in a ponytail. Her silver eyes were so mesmerizing that Percy couldn't tear his gaze away from them.

In short, she looked ethereal. Percy composed himself and looked away from her to the wolf on his lap. He tried to control his rapid heartbeats, caused by her mere presence.

"I should hope so; I wouldn't be a god of wild if I wasn't." Percy said, looking at the animals around them with a smile adorning his face.

Artemis smiled, seeing the sincere look of adoration in Percy's eyes for his animals. She was the goddess of hunt. The wild and animals were important to her. She loved the wild, and she loved the fact that Percy loved the animal and the wild as much as her. She figured that might be one of the reasons on a very big list, of why she was falling so hard for her guardian.

She sat down on the ground beside him with her legs crossed. One of the hinds nearby sensed her presence and approached the goddess. Artemis smiled at her sacred animal and started petting her.

Artemis' shoulder touched Percy's, and her scent invaded his nostrils. The intoxicating smell of sandalwood, cinnamon and forest, it was addictive to him. The sun hadn't risen yet, and the last of the moonlight shined brightly upon the goddess. Her skin glowed a slight silver against the moonlight.

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