Artemis' Guardian

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She looked at her father and said, "I have agreed to your decision of having a male guardian father. But I would like to choose my guardian myself, and I have the perfect man for the job. Though I'm afraid he hasn't been spotted in years." Artemis gave her father the smile, that she knew he couldn't refuse her wish.

Zeus nodded, anything to keep his daughter safe, "You tell me who is this person and I would have every God in my disposal searching for him."

Artemis smirked as she looked around; most were confused and leaning forward to learn of the man Artemis had chosen herself. Except Hestia, the goddess of hearth, was smirking along with her; she must've guessed Artemis' choice.

"Oh you don't have to that father. I believe Poseidon already knows his location, after all he is his son." Artemis smiled widely as their eyes widened, "I want Percy Jackson to be my Guardian."

Third Person Pov

The council turned to look at Artemis incredulously, in the entire wide world she had to name the one man that wasn't afraid of them. Most of them were too afraid to even ask the demigod for help anymore.

Zeus turned to look at Poseidon, "I know your son has refused to come in contact with anyone for the last 5 years, but I have no choice but to ask brother. Is there any chance that he would come out of hiding now?"

Poseidon scratched the back of his neck nervously, a trait that reminded most of them of Percy. "I don't know, he doesn't allow anyone except his mothers, Triton and I to even step on his island."

"Wait his Island?" Thalia asked, blinking; even Reyna, Artemis and her hunters were shocked to hear it. Percy had an island of his own?

"Yes, when he left 5 years ago, in his rage he ignited a dead volcano, and an island was created. Triton, Amphitrite and I helped make the island hospitable. He has been living there ever since." Poseidon said, and their eyes widened comically. He created an island in his rage? Just how powerful was he getting.

Thalia stepped forward and bowed to Poseidon, "Can you tell us where this island is Lord Poseidon? My Lady and we will go to ask him personally." She pleaded to the sea god, she had searched day and night for her cousin. And now to know that he is living isolated from civilization, alone on an island, made her frown. Percy was the most charismatic person she had ever met; he thrived with other people. She didn't want him to live isolated, and to die alone one day.

Reyna and Artemis nodded. Reyna might not have known him for long, but she didn't want him to live alone anymore. Artemis remembered the broken look on his face when he left. He was not the once careless demigod fighting his way to stay alive. He was an empty shell of his former life.

Poseidon shook his head, "Yeah how about No. His Island is inhabited with animals of the wild, now forgotten. They will rip you apart the moment you try to step in, and if you manage to kill them. Percy would kill you himself, the monsters, and animals are the only friends he has right now. He is very protective of them, even I'm afraid to go to his Island, without his permission."

The council of gods eyes widened; they couldn't believe that even Poseidon was afraid to step on Percy's Island without permission. Poseidon was the son of Kronos, probably the strongest of the big three. If he was afraid to go there, they weren't even going to try.

Artemis, and her hunters had the opposite reaction. They were people who lived in the wild, and there weren't any wild places left out in the world. They would do anything to get the chance to see the Island for themselves.

"What is his Island like? What creatures are there?" Artemis asked, like a little child. She was the goddess of the wild. Ever since her friend Pan the god of the wild, had vanished, the wild animals were nowhere to be seen.

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