Percy's wrath

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Percy's mouth hung open as he looked at the dragon. He untangled himself from Annabeth's grasp and went closer to the dragon. "I am your mother, and you will listen to me Thalia, go back to the island now." Percy sternly ordered, like a parent scolding a child.

The dragon growled once again, and, if their eyes were working correctly, stamped her foot on the ground like a child throwing tantrums, before flying away.

Percy turned to look, that everyone was looking at him with wide eyes, and open mouth, "What she was being childish."

Annabeth laughed and asked, "Mother? Thalia?"

Percy turned gold, "I raised them from eggs okay. They don't consider me father, only mother. And she reminded me of Thalia so I named the dragon after her."

Everyone laughed at Percy's embarrassed look.

"So what are you going to do now next Perseus?" Artemis asked, stepping forward. Everyone else also turned to the Guardian of Hunt.

Percy smirked maliciously, something that made them shiver, "Now I am going to kill a god."
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Everyone held their breath at Percy's answer.

Athena stepped forward cautiously, "Do you think it would be a wise move Percy?"

Percy shook his head, "I don't know if it is wise or not Athena, but the Winged Acolyte has done enough damage, for me to let him live."

Nearly everyone recoiled at the amount of aggression, and vengeance in his words. The sweet, sarcastic boy was nowhere to be seen. Artemis looked sadly at her guardian, hoping that he doesn't lose himself in revenge.

"So what are we going to do next?" Artemis asked.

"Let's send Annabeth, and the hunters back to the island, after that we call a council meeting." Percy said, and touched Annabeth's shoulder. She vanished in a cool breeze of mist.

Artemis flashed her hunters back to the island too. She looked at Percy, and he nodded. The three Olympians flashed to the throne room of the gods.

Artemis fired a silver arrow towards the open ceiling of the throne room, where the constellations could be seen. The arrow exploded in a shower of silver lights.

One by one, every single Olympian arrived and looked at Artemis in question. Artemis said nothing, instead she pointed towards Percy. Percy was sitting silently as he looked at his fellow council members.

"Why have you called this meeting, Perseus?" Zeus, the king of God, inquired. This was the first meeting the young god had called; it must have been of great importance.

"I am going to fade a god." Percy replied, and the entire council turned to shambles. People were shouting over each other; when Percy had enough, he roared, "ENOUGH."

In instance, everyone quieted, the entire throne room shook from his roar, and a massive wave of power passed over them.

"Which god are you talking about son?" Poseidon asked, as most of them were afraid to even ask a question.

"Eros," Percy said, the god's name in such disgust, that even his father and mother were surprised.

Ares, and Aphrodite shouted, they didn't want their child to die, but they knew that they couldn't change Percy's decision. Ares wasn't the parent type; he never had enough interaction with his son Eros to care.

Aphrodite had tried to get Eros, in line. To make him understand, that he couldn't just play with other people's lives. She herself may have nudged others to learn about their feelings, but she was the goddess of love; she knew love was sacred. She had told Eros, that one day he would piss the wrong person; seems that day is here.

Perseus- The Hunt's GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now