Twists & Turns?

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Percy looked at Artemis for her opinion and she nodded, "Very well Perseus and I would leave right away after this meeting." She said to the council.

"Very well, Council dismissed." Percy said and everyone except him, Artemis, Poseidon, and Hestia flashed away.

"Take care of yourself son and niece." Hestia said warmly and flashed away.

"Likewise, look after yourself," Poseidon and flashed away too.

Artemis and Percy got to the middle of the throne room. Artemis shifted her elbow to make room for Percy to loop his hands with her. "Ready Guardian?" She asked him.

Percy smiled at the moon goddess, and looped his hand with her, "Yes MiLady."

Third Person Pov

"Where the fuck are those Titans?" Percy asked as he plopped down next to Artemis. They had been scouting the area for hours. Still there are no signs of any monsters or immortals.

Artemis laughed as she sat down by his side, "Don't tell me you're getting tired guardian?" She taunted him. Her feelings had been growing for him and she had decided that she was going to confess to him.

Percy immediately straightened up and got a mischievous look in his eyes. He leaned down so his mouth was next to her ears, "I think you would learn, that I could go all day long." His intentions were clear to what he was implying.

Artemis shivered from the intensity of his voice and blushed dark gold. Images of Percy's shirtless body towering over her crossed her mind. She imagined what it would feel like to be in his arms and kiss him. She realized what he was doing to her and snapped out of her daydream.

She pushed him away from her and narrowed her eyes at him. "You're getting bolder by the minute. What would people say if they heard you talking that way to a maiden goddess." She shouted at him but there was no actual bite on her words.

Percy smirked proudly as he riled up the goddess. "I was just saying that I could hunt for all day long. What did you think I was talking about Milady?"

Artemis growled and looked at him threateningly causing him to laugh. He kissed her cheek which caused Artemis to freeze. The action was so quick that she didn't even realize it until he did it, Percy laid down next to her and rested his head on her lap, "Don't be grumpy Arty, I was just messing around with you."

Artemis subconsciously started trailing her hands along his hair. She remembered hearing him a few nights ago, saying that he was in love with her. Her heart fluttered at the thought that he loved her, and she loved him back. It was surprising how much she had started to care for the man.

"Perseus?" She called, it was time for her to confess. Zeus be damned, she would go after what she wanted.

"hmm..." Percy mumbled as he enjoyed her hands trailing in his hair. He relished her touch more, he wanted to feel her more.

"There is something I want to tell you," Artemis started and withdrew her hand from his hair. Percy sat up and looked at her serious expression. He understood that whatever she was talking about must be hard for her. He took her hand in his and squeezed it.

"I heard you talking to the daughter of Aphrodite a few days ago in your room at night." Artemis said to him.

Percy looked confused, what had she heard him say that made her so serious. He thought about it and immediately stiffened when he realized what she was talking about.

Perseus- The Hunt's GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now