When you two first meet pt 2

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I really hope you liked the first part and here is part 2!! And please feel free to leave any suggestions, I'm always open to them! So please leave any suggestions you may have! Enjoy the story <3

You were about to fight Levi Ackerman. You were shaking you could barley focus and you could feel everyone staring at you. "Get it together Y/N." You keep repeating that on your head until Levi makes the first move he leaps forward so you try to punch him but he drops to the floor and and grabs your leg and pulls your leg so you fall to the ground "Fuck." That's all you could think he slowly stands up not expecting you to get up for a while. You jump up and kick the back of his legs and you pin him down your on top with your knees on his shoulders. You to were so close. Closer then you could ever imagine. You feel your face turn bright red and while your staring at him he smiles. Levi Ackerman smiled. You couldn't believe it "OW" "WHAT IS THAT" you spit out blood he hit your gut. You move your weight off of him and he slides out from under you. Your grasping onto your stomach "t-this hurts. So b-bad." That's all you could think, you slowly stand up. "I have to knock him down.." you feel your vision going blurry and you look over and see Eren and Armin run after you. You lose your balance and fall. "Did he hit me again..?" "I can't tell." You feel arms wrap around you it's Eren holding you yelling at Levi. "HEY DONT YOU WALK AWAY YOU CANT DO THAT! YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE EASY ON HER!" levi turns his head "tch" he slowly walks over and picks you up bridal style and then it all went black.

"What..happend...?" You slowly open your eyes to see Levi cleaning his room "you try to sit up but feel a sharp pain in your side" he looks over at you "oh, your awake." "S-sir!" "Shut it cadet." "W-wait but why am I.." "I broke your rib and the hospital wing was full of people already so your here until a spot opens up." "You broke my rib!?" "Yes I did. It's not my fault your so weak cadet." "How do you accidentally break someone's rib? All you had to do was knock me out." "Listen L/N I didn't have to bring you to MY room and care for you until you woke up!" You start to feel tears building up in your eyes "don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry." He stares at you, his angry expression turned into his normal emotionless face and slowly walks over and sits down next to you.


I picked her up after our fight I went way to hard on her. I can't believe I did that to her. I can't believe it. Im so fucking stupid. I bring her to my room and tuck her into my bed and call over hanji to wrap her up. I started to clean my room to get my mind off of it. "So you broke her ribs huh? Real smooth Levi!" "Shut it four eyes. I didn't know I would break her rib." "Oh so you just casually break her rib? And why didn't you bring her to the hospital wing..WAIT YOU LIKE Y/N!" hanji smirked "shut it four eyes you will wake them up! And the hospital wing was full and the dorms aren't very comfortable so I brought her here but that doesn't mean anything." "Uh huh sure Levi, but you really have to be more gentle with her. She's very strong, but she just got to the survey corps so she has to warm up to all the work outs and all the cleaning." "Yes I get it four eyes now leave." About 20 minutes later she woke up and I hated seeing her in pain. And then of course being the idiot I am I snapped at her not even 5 Minutes after she woke up. She was about to cry. I can't believe it. I gotta calm her down before she starts crying.


What the hell...? Why is he sitting next to me? "Listen..im sorry cadet ok? Now I have to take you to the hospital wing to finish healing, a spot should be open by now." you shook your head in response. "No one can know you were here. Got it brat?" "Is he really apologizing to me!? I can't believe it..Levi just apologized to me! He slowly picked you up bridal style making sure not to touch your rib and took you to your dorm. He kicked open the door and layed you on an empty bed He started to walk out the door when.."captain wait!" "What is it brat." "T-thank you." "Tch." He walked out of the room and shut the door you grab onto your blanket and shoved your face into it you are a blushing mess! "I can't wait to fight you again Levi." You say to yourself before laying down and humming yourself to sleep. Little did you know Levi was outside the door. "I cant wait to fight you again too, cadet"

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