Your first mission pt 2

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You wake up to birds chirping out side and as you open your eyes you realize you are cuddling with Levi you immediately jump up out of the position and sit up in the bed

"It's about time you woke up cadet."

"You were awake that whole time!?"


"But s-sir why didn't you wake me up...?"

He slowly sits up and and smiles a bit at you

"Look at your face cadet. Your so fun to tease."

You put your hand to your cheek and realize you face is bright red


You jump out of Levi's bed and fumble a bit, you look out the window and it is still pitch black.

"I-um I should leave..thank you! For um y'know letting me sleep in your.."

"Shut it brat and just leave."

"Y-yes sir."

You quickly walk out of the room and head to the girls dorm room and you slowly open the door and when you walk in you see everyone getting ready and staring at you

"Where the hell where you?"


"Who's shirt is that!?"

You look down at yourself crap it's Levi's shirt! What are you supposed to do!?

"Oh Um hanji gave me this shirt.."

".....uh ok...?"

"You have to hurry and get ready Y/N or Levi will be all over your ass."

"Don't worry they won't mind...they WANT Levi all over their ass!"

All the girls start laughing and you just keep an annoyed look on your face while you quickly undress. After about 10 minutes all the girls are heading out to the training field to get ready to leave. When you walk out there you see all the male cadets are already out there.

"Hey you think we will be on the same team..?"

"Well your really talented Y/ most likely..yes I think we will be on the same team."

You smiled at mikkisa and she smiled right back.

"HEY Y/N!"

"Oh..HI EREN!"

"I'm stoked I can't wait to kill all those titan bastards!"

"Your not the only one!"

He laughs and starts looking around for Armin when hanji starts running in and yelling


Levi was following right behind her with an annoyed look on his face.

"Alrighty everyone! I want group 3, 1, 6, 4 and 10 to go over there! You all will be with me during this expedition which means you will only take orders from me, and only me. You will be on the north and west."

"Just like Levi said I'm going to be right next to him."

"Oooo Y/N and Levi sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g!!!

"Be quiet Ymir!"

"Yeah no."

"CADETS. I'm tired of all the fighting. Ymir get your shit together. Same goes for you L/N."

Levi just stared at you and Ymir with disappointment on his face

"Yes sir."

"Yes sir."

I can't believe Ymir just did that! That was so fucking rude, especially with captain Levi right there! But oh well whatever I need to get my head In the game we are about to leave. You lead your horse out of the stall and get into position. You were right next to Levi, literally you were in his right side and Mikkisa was on his left, she had to be next to Levi too.


Everyone immediately starts to speed up. The expedition has started and so far so good! There has been only 1 titan sighting and it was a pretty easy one, it was only a 2 meter one but it wasn't good enough for hanji so we had to kill it.


"What is it captain?"

"Black smoke on the right."

You look to your right and see black smoke. Black smoke means an abnormal has been spotted. God no you can see it in the distance running at full speed

"Captain what are your orders?"

"Calm down cadet. I want you to kill it."

"Yes sir!"

Shaky you slowly start to stand on your horse you see it approaching...


You jump up off of your horse and latch onto the titans arm. You flip over the titans head but feel a sharp pain in your back. You let out a loud grunt and unlatch from the titans arm, that pain came out of no where! You land on the ground and quickly regroup you shoot for the titans back and latch on pulling you towards the titan you cut its neck making it drop to the floor you can barley stand but you see Levi looking back at you with a slight look of worry on his face. You spot a tree in front of your group and shoot for it when you hit the tree you just have to wait for a second before you can get back on your horse


"Good job cadet."

You jump onto your horse and let out a loud grunt again it was like a huge wave of pain and shock just went over you whole body. Levi looked behind you at your back and saw you had been impaled by an arrow. You can feel your vision going blurry.

"Listen cadet I need you to hold on. The arrow is in pretty deep but not to deep that you will die."

"I don't know how long I can keep consciousness..."

"Move your horse closer to mine."

Without saying anything you move your horse closer to his. He grabs you and puts you right in front of him, the arrow was pretty deep so there was really no problem with you two fitting. He grabs some bandage out of a bag hanging off of his horse and holds you tight and close.

"Listen cadet this is going to hurt for a second, after I pull it out I need you to try to stay awake for as long as possible."

Drowsy, all you gave him was a thumbs up as you lean against the neck of his horse

"Here bite this if you need to."

He handed you a cloth



"It's out."

The pain was terrible you arch your back and fall back onto levi he holds you close


He knew you were still awake and took that as his chance to properly wrap up your wounds. Of course you were in a bunch of pain but you couldn't help but feel so flustered as his hands wrapped around your waist.

"Alright your all wrapped up."

"Captain I'm s-so sorry....."

"Shut it cadet I don't wanna hear that bullshit...I want you to rest for now."

He picks you up by your waist and turns you so you were facing him, he sets you on his waist and wrapped his hand around you making sure you were safe and secure. Naturally you wrap your hands around him and place your face on his neck. You loved every second of it taking in all of his scent...he smelled slightly of cleaning products but mostly the smell of tea. He moved his head so he was right next to your ear, you could feel his hot breath on you

"I swear I will kill the person who did this to you. I love you Y/N"

Levi x reader one shots (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now