Levi saves you from SA

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Huge A/N this has a HUGE TW if you are uncomfortable with anything related to SA please don't read this story. This is not for you. The reason why I am making this is to bring comfort to those who have been SA. Again if you are uncomfortable please go ahead and skip this story :) please be safe and enjoy <3

It was like any other day. You wake up in Levi's bed.

You got up and went to the bathroom to get ready, you brush your hair and brush your teeth.

You put on a sports bra and some shorts so you can do a quick workout with your friends

You leave the bathroom to say good morning to Levi

"Good morning Levi!"

"Good morning cadet."

"Are you having some tea?"

"Of course."

You smiled and walked over to him to kiss him on the cheek

"You missed cadet."

He grabbed your face and kissed your lips passionately

"Where are you going dressed like that?"

"I'm going to workout with mikisa, Armin and Eren!"

"Hmm....put on a T-shirt. I don't trust Eren."

"Um ok?"

You put on a big T-shirt and put on some shoes

"Alright I'm leaving!"


You walk out the door and start to jog to the woods where you and your friends were going to work out

"God it's already so hot outside.."

you stop for a second a think about taking off the shirt

"Levi's not here so he won't know.."

You start to take it off when you hear a snap sound coming from the bushes

You stopped and got into fighting position

"Who the hell was that!?"

No answer

"Come out!"

No answer

"I'm serious!"

No answer


You hurried and kept running

"That was really fucking weird"

"Hey Y/N!"

"Oh hey Armin!"

"Oh Y/N I was wondering where you were.."

"Sorry to worry you mikisa!"

"Hey how was your sleep with Levi???"

Eren smirked like he was proud of himself or something

"Why do you want to know?"

He was shocked

"I was joking! Jeez.."

You and mikisa both started to laugh

"I have an experiment with hanji so I'm going to have to leave a little early today"

"I'll go with you Eren."

"Erwin wants to talk to me about a training plan thingy today so I'm going to have to leave a little early too."

"So you all have to leave me early?"

"I'm afraid so I'm sorry Y/N"

"Well mikisa can stay but she still thinks I'm a little baby so she could but I guess she just doesn't like you"

Levi x reader one shots (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now