Levis walks in on your changing

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A/N this has some ✨LEMON✨ so if you are under the age of 13 please skip this one! Thank you! <3

You woke up to the smell of cleaning product. Levi was cleaning the bedroom a bit while you slept

"Oh good morning my love."

"Mmmm....good morning..."

He walked over to you and kissed your

"Breakfast is on my desk waiting for you when you are ready"

"Awh thank you levi!"

You slowly sat up and got out of bed

"Hey Levi.."


"Hanji needs me for this experiment she is doing....do you know anything about it?"

"Hm....I think she did mention something about an experiment but she didn't tell me any details...why?"

"Oh ok...no reason I was just curious!"

"Ok, well I have to head off to a meeting soon...so I'll clean myself up a bit while you eat and then I have to leave ok?"


You got up and headed over to Levi's desk and sat down and started to eat the food Levi made.

It was your typical breakfast food, eggs and toast!

"Mmmm this is really good thank you!"


You kept eating and you enjoyed every bite

"Alright I'm leaving now, love you."

"Love you too!"

You gave him a smile and waved goodbye at him he returned the smile and shut the door.

"Hm....I should probably get ready now..."

You got up and moved your dish to the kitchen and rinsed it off really quick. You walked away and headed to the dresser to grab some clothes, you grabbed your normal uniform and headed to the bathroom to change.

You got into your clothes, brushed your teeth, brushed your hair, washed you face and the normal stuff you do to get ready.

After a few minutes you decided it was time to head out. It was about 10:00AM when you got to hanjis office.


"Good morning hanji!"

"How are ya!?"

"I'm g-

"Great! Anyway let's talk about this experiment alrighty? Alright! So the plan is....."

You honestly weren't even shocked

"So the plan is we will try to see if  bean like different things that we usually like! Does he like story's being read to him, what if he likes cooking, or maybe he likes reading fan fiction!"


"I'll meet you at the field at 12:00!"


"Alrighty! You may leave now!"

"Yes ma'am."

You left and shut the door behind you....what a crazy person she is....but how could you ever hate her, she's just to innocent......kinda.

After about an hour of you working out to pass the time hange finally came back out and greeted you.


Levi x reader one shots (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now