Levi has a nightmare

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A/N this is some cute reverse comfort <3

You just fished having dinner with Sasha and mikisa

"Omg this food is SOOOOOOOOOOO good!"

"Eh it's alright."

"How could you say that mikisa! Food is the best thing on this planet! I would die for food."

"That's a little over dramatic don't you think?"

"You too, Y/N!? Am I the only one here who appreciates food!?"

You and mikisa both looked at each other and shrugged


"Oh hey Levi!"

"Hello captain."

"Mmmm this bread is to DIE for...oh! Hey captain!"

"Shut it cadet's its already loud enough. I only want Y/N."

"Oh...ok well bye guys!"

"Bye Y/N"

"I call your leftovers Y/N!"

"Uh ok?"

You and Levi walked away and headed to his room

"So is there a reason you wanted me or did you just want to hang out?"

"Well I made some tea but I made too much so I thought you would like some."


"Calm down cadet, I get that tea is delicious but I also needed you to help me clean up."


"It's not my fault you suck at cleaning cadet."

"Wow ok."

He looked over a smirked at you in response you just rolled your eyes

Levi opened the door for you and let you in

Your cup of tea was already waiting.....so we're the cleaning supplies

"Get to it cadet."

"Yes sir."

You groaned and and started to clean

Levi just sat on the bed drinking his tea and reading

*time skip*

You stopped cleaning and took a sip of your tea which was now cold

"Awh shit!"


"My tea is cold."

"Guess it took you too long."

"Damn it...I'll just make some more."

"Don't use my expensive tea."


You use his expensive tea.

By the time the tea is done it is already dark outside and Levi is half asleep.

You sit down on the bed and start reading a book mikisa said you should read.

When you were in the middle of taking a sip of your tea Levi rolled over and laid his head on your lap. He let out a big sigh and mumbled something


You smiled and set down your tea and started to play with his hair and caress his face

A few minutes later he rolls back over and you took your chance to lay down with him.

You held on to him tight as you both drifted off to sleep.

*time skip*


Levi shot up in the bed and immediately looked around the room to try and find you

"Levi...? Is everything ok..?"

His head shoots to the left and he lets out a big sigh

"Y-yes everything is fine cadet. Go back to sleep."

"Are you sure..? You look like you just saw a ghost."

You slowly sit up

"No it's nothing..go back to sleep."

"Levi...we're you....crying...?"

You moved your hand to his cheek and wiped a tear off of his face

He put his hand on top of yours and moved it away from your face

"No I-

"Levi what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong just go to bed."

"Levi you never cry. Are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine now go to bed cadet."

His voice grew more and more demanding

"Levi what happened!?"

"Nothing happened ok!?"

"So you just cry in your sleep every night!?"

"Well no but-

"Levi...you can trust me. What happened?"

"I....I had a nightmare...you and all of the other cadets were there...I watched everyone die off one by one...but...you...you were the last one alive. You were sitting starting at Eren, mikisa and Armin dead bodies...and then a titan came up and...and it grabbed you. I couldn't move I couldn't help...I let everyone die right in front of me...I-

You interrupted him with a hug. You held on to him tight and you weren't going to let go.

"Levi. I will never leave you, you hear me? Never."

"What if I can't protect you...or anyone.."

"That won't happen. We all look out for each other. There is no way in hell we will be killed by idiot titans."


"I will never leave your side."

"Thank you..Y/N."

"Of course. I love you Levi."

"I love you too dear."

You moved out of the hug and kissed Levi on the cheek

"Would you like me to make you some tea?"

"Yes that would be nice."


You stood up and he stood up with you

"What are you-

He grabbed onto you

"I'm letting you out of my sight."

You I chuckled a bit and you and Levi both enjoyed some tea and fell asleep cuddling each other.

A/N sorry this is a bit shorter than the rest 😅 I still hope you really enjoyed!

Levi x reader one shots (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now