You save levi

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A few weeks later Erwin thought that everyone was in need of some extra training

For your and the other cadets were going out to kill some titans which you were ready for.

"I can't wait! I'm gonna kill so many titans it's not even funny!"

"Chill out you sound like Eren."

"What can I say, Ymir? I love the thrill!"

You gave her a smirk and she looked away in disgust

"Y/N please be safe out there....I-I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'll be fine Armin-

"Are you sure cause last night it seemed like you were in a lot of pain...I couldn't hear very well but you were in Levi's room and you were screaming pretty loud-

"Are you sure cause I mean me and him slept through the whole night heh...heh..."

You need to learn to be a little more quiet when you and Levi are having some fun...

"Oh...well...uh if you say so..."

"Yeah I'm fine! Anyway...uh...I should probably go find Levi so uh yeah bye!!"

"Oh-uh bye Y/N!"

You ran away as fast as you could, that was so embarrassing! If everyone finds out you lost your virginity to Levi, you would never hear the end of it!


"Well good afternoon cadet."

"Good afternoon to you too! Do you know when we are leaving?"

"Yes we should be leaving in a few minutes...why?"

"Just wondering.."

"Oh uh ok?"


You gave Levi a hug and ran to your horse you can't wait!

About 10 minutes later the expedition has started.

*time skip*

A few hours go by and you so far have killed 2 titans while Levi has killed 4

"Damn it levi! Why won't you let me kill some!?"

"Because Y/N, I don't want you to get hurt."

"I promise I won't!"

"Not only have you had trouble staying close to me and following directions, I also went pretty hard on you last night. I don't want to work you to hard."

You face turned bright red.

"No levi I'm fine I promise!"

"Tch, to bad cadet."

"Damn it!"

*time skip*

A few hours later

You have killed 5 titans while Levi, has killed 11

"I fucking hate this."

"I thought you wanted to kill titans?"

"I do! But I'm not killing a good ones, like a 15 meter one...I've only killed 2 meter titans."

"Patients cadet."

"We have been out here for 7 hours Levi!"

"Calm down."

"It's true! I can take out at least five 15 meter titans."

"Cadet I told you to calm down! Do I need to repeat myself!?"

Levi x reader one shots (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now