Your first mission pt 4

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A/N this is the last part :)


"Shut it shitty glasses only a few more minutes."

He held you tighter and kissed your head

"I need to make sure Y/N's cut is healing alright...and they need some more medicine!"


"Please levi..? You can cuddle her in the cart!"

"In front of everyone....yea no way."



"I'm awake...."

"Good morning Y/N.."

Levi kissed your head


"Yes it's me now can I see your wound?"


"I asked Y/N not you Levi."

"It's ok levi"

You look over your shoulder and give him a reassuring smile. You slowly stand up and end up leaning on Levi a bit to help you stand


"I'm fine Levi.."

You let go of him and walk over to hanji, hanji grabbed you hand and took off your shirt. Levi just watched in amazement. Hanji started unwrapping the bandages.


"I know It hurts and I'm sorry."

Your legs started to feel weak so Levi came over and held you up.

"The poison still seems to be really messing with your physical state."

"Yeah I noticed."

Levi chucked a bit but quickly stopped.

"Here take this Y/N"

"Thanks hanji"

She gave you a pill, you stared at it for a moment before swallowing it.

"Alright let's get you dressed Y/N, you will be riding in a cart with Levi."

"We never decided on this shitty glasses."

"I'm sure Y/N wouldn't mind, would you?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Good, then it's settled."

*Time Skip*

You just got on the cart and your about to continue the expedition.

"HEY Y/N!!"

"Oh hey Eren!"

"Hey! I'm here too!"

"Oh sorry armin!"

"No it's fine don't be sorry!"

You all chuckle

"So who shot you?"

"Honestly I don't know.....I was killing a 4 meter titan and when I flipped over it to kill it something shot my back..."

"Woah that's really weird..."

"Yeah it really is..."

"But im fine now so everything is ok!"

"Are you sure...? You can barley walk."

"Yeah It's all ok!"

"If you say so.."

"Well Armin and I should go back to our group."

"Ok be safe!"

"Same goes for you Y/N!"

Eren and Armin walked off as you slowly got situated and tried to clean the dirt off of you before Levi comes.

"Move over cadet."

"Oh yeah sorry captain!"


"I mean Levi haha.."

"Good girl"

Levi smiled and sit right next to you with two cups of tea. He Handed you a cup of tea and kissed your cheek

"Your blushing."

You felt your cheek and felt how hot it was and you fumbled a bit with your tea

"O-oh! That's weird! Haha...."

He chuckled and held your free hand tight

"I-I'm sorry...I should have taken down the abnormal, I could have dodged the arrow and we wouldn't be here right now."

"Don't say that Levi, you did nothing kept me safe after I was shot if you didn't care for my wounds I would be dead by now."

You grabbed him by the cheek and kissed him.


You giggled and then the cart started to move

"We can't stay out for much longer...we have about 48 hours left before we need to head back."

"So we need to capture really any titan we come across?"

"Yes pretty much."


"Why are you so upset?"

"Well I loved being with you, last night...all alone and no one to bother us."

"Hey.....I never said that, that was the last time we would ever do that. I love you and I want to be with you."

You laid your head on his shoulder and pulled the blanket closer to you

"But what about everyone else....believe it or not but a lot of girls really like you, what if they see us and then they get mad at you.."

"To hell with them..they are all the same. I want you Y/N."


"You can stay with me back at the survey corps, I have plenty of room...and if that is to much for you, you can always visit me whenever you want."

"I-I would love that Levi."

You held his hand tight and kissed him

He smiled and layed his head back on you...little did you both know they already captured a titan on the other team and you all were about to head home. You feel asleep laying on him and he feel asleep laying on you.

*Time skip*

It is now about sunset and it will be about 2 hours until you get back home


"Well hello sleepy head"

You were laying on Levi's lap covered in a blanket


You sat up feeling a shoot of pain go through you again you grunted loudly

"Hey your ok...we should be home soon ok?"


You stared at Levi and looked at his lap and back at him

"Do you want to sit on my lap?"



He patted his lap and opened his arms wide for you

You moved and sat on him and wrapped your legs and arms around him. He did the same to you

"Am I hurting you...?"

"No of course not"


"I promise cadet."

You smiled and kissed his passionately and then laid your head on his shoulders

"I can't wait to go home.."

"Yeah me too..."

Levi x reader one shots (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now