Your first mission part 3

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Quick A/N...This part has some mild lemon in it so if you are under 12 please don't read and just skip it...thank you and enjoy!!!!!

"I love you Y/N."

All of a sudden it seemed like time slowed down or even stopped...using the last amount of energy you had you held him even tighter

"I love you too captain.."

He felt you go limp on his arms..he knew you passed out.

"Shit. I have to get her to hanji...the arrow has poison on it so she needs to be treated right away so could we go back? No.....we are to far ahead...we'll meet up at the woods."

" you want me to tell hanji to meet up at the woods?"

"Yes mikkisa."

Mikkisa used her gear to head over to hanjis group.

"Ma'am! Y/N is injured, Levi wants to meet up at the entrance of the woods!"

"Ok sounds good thank you mikkisa."

Mikkisa flew back to her group and told Levi that they would meet up at the woods to which he nodded at. He held you close and whispered to you to stay strong

*Time skip*

"Has everyone made it safely to the woods?"

"Yes Levi."

"Ok great cadet Y/N was shot by an arrow taking down an abnormal titan. The arrow seems to be poisonous."

"Armin grab my bag from my horse would 'ya?"

"Uh y-yes m-ma'am!"

Armin started running to hanji s horse and grabbed a green bag with a bunch of medicine in it.

"Thank you cadet!"

"No problem heh.."

"Someone here is a traitor..."

"You don't know that Levi."

"Shut it shitty glasses!"

"Levi calm do you know? Everyone has been with us."

"Fuck this...."

About 30 minutes after hanji gave you the medicine you woke up.

"Mmmm......Where...wha...WAIT WHERE IS CAPTIN LEVI!?"

You shot out of the makeshift bed made out of just blankets and leaves. Forgetting the state your in you immediately feel a wave of pain go over you

"Ow fuck.."

"Hey take it easy cadet."

"Levi! I..."

All he did was put a finger over his mouth signaling for me to shut up


"Oh uh hi hanji!"

"How are you feeling?"

"A lot better then before that's for sure...when I move I still feel a lot of pain but I think I can walk so we can finish the expedition."

"Woah hold your horses Y/N..."


"It's not just you who needs to rest....some of the other cadets need to break so we are camping out in the trees tonight."


You look over to your side to see you are about 50 meters into the air on a huge tree branch

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