Happy Birthday!!! (2)

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Bills POV :
"Finally pine tree is eight teen and I think ima give him a little surprise for his birthday" I laugh evilly

Dippers POV: I sigh happily
"I'm finally eighteen. So happy! I really haven't changed much. The only changes are my voice doesn't crack anymore, me and Mabel don't share a room, Stan sleeps in his bunker, I have my own apartment now,puberty is I think over, i don't know? Life is gonna be better now!"
-later that day-
-singing- "happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear dipper and Mabel! happy birthday to you! yaaaaay!
"Make a wish dawgs!"soos said he's now manger of the mystery shack
"Ya make a wish kids!" Stan said while roughly patting me and Mabel on the back
"I don't know what to wish for really I have everything I ever wanted right here!" I said happily Mabel blew out the candles impatiently.
Then a familiar voice from behind me said
"Are you sure? cause' your mind says plenty!"
I turn around and there he is
"Bill? Bill Cipher!" I said for some reason blushing the hell?

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