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(A/n  Yello readers... i feel terribly bad for not updating. i didn't know how many people actually read my bill dip. let alone liked it! I was going through my notifications and couldn't help but cry. every single one of you made my day. life has been rough on me, and you guys are the reason i am still here. Let me tell you something; if it wasn't for the my internet friends, my irl friends and my readers, i would be dead right now. You guys helped me through a ton by trying to make me feel better. thank you i love you all!)

i nodded and took the items,  hugged mabel and said good b ye. i walked into the portal.

a faint white light shined from behind me.

"Welcome to Dimension 4 young traveler!" a man with cat like figures and a human body smiled at me.
"My name is Yike! Nice to meet you!" he smiled

i walked closer to him. "How do i get to dimension 5?" i asked sternly.

"oh well aren't you anxious?!" yike chuckled

"I am not joking cat man get me to dimension 5!" i growled

"You remind me of someone. well cant think of them right now but, eh. Why do you want to go to dimemsion 5?" yike riased an eyebow with a shitty smirk on his face.

"Don't ask why just help me!" i growled.

yike backed up a bit. "Not t be rude but you are being an ass young boy!"

i rubbed my temples "Its been a rough day can you just help me please?!" i begged

"fine, at a price though." yike crossed his arms as if he was an angry toddler.

"What may i get for you?"

"I need 2 oralang crystals."

"where do i get those?"

"why, that's your problem not mine"

i groaned "Thanks for the help cat man."

"No problem and by the way, it's Yike."

"i know i just don't care." i went off into a small village. a lady walked past me. "um exuse me do you know where i can get Orangatang crystals?"

"Excuse me? Do you me Oralang?" she looked offended. way to go dip.

i nodded politely.

"well you go to a shop nearby." she pointed west.

" Thank you!" i smiled. she nodded and i was off.

Half an hour later I approached the first store i found. it was dark and misty inside. "Ummm... hello?" am man who looked half dead but still alive with nice posture approached me. "Hello do you know how to get to dimension five, or where i can get Oralang crystals?"

he nodded and grinned with a mouth filled with black teeth. he was no man nor human. i dont know what he was.

"why all you have to do to get to d- 5 is step right over here. i have a proraratol (<that was purposely btw)

"A what?' i asked while raising an eyebrow.

"you'll know when you see it." he started walking to the back of the store. "Follow me."

i did as he said and there was a portal. it wasn't shaped like fords but it was a portal. a circle on the outside and a triangle on the inside. what was i getting myself into?!
"That's the portal?"

"yes. now enter it and you will be on your way." he pushed me towards it.

i was not pushing myself back but i was asking him questions.

"A-are you s-sure this is a portal? Am i gonna get hurt? Or dead?" i kept going on and on about it until, i was actually in it. i felt a shiver go up my spine and a gust of dry cold air hit me. i coughed. w-where am i?" It looked as if there were no land ahead of me or any where!

i looked around me. the floor was covered in dry ice. It was an orange red color. i started walking, and walking. i walked in limbo for a good hour when, a ball of ice hit me.

Billdip (Bill x Dipper)Where stories live. Discover now