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There comes a time where your teacher asks you to write an report on your future; the future that you want, or the future that you need. Both Bea and Kelsey recently had to do so.

Kelsey walked into her Foundations for Success class, though she calls it 'The Class Freshman Need to Take Because There's No Where Else to Put Them'. Her teacher checked their IDs and explained the class to them. Even though he already did so in the class before this, and the one before that. He then said, "Okay, class, we will be continuing our essays of our goals for the future." Which reminded Kelsey of how she didn't know what her goals were. Anymore at least. She used to want to be a singer, but she knows she'll never be able to actually sing in front of someone. She then decided she wanted to be a writer, but that also would be hard unless what she wrote was as good as Hunger Games or Men Women and Children. "Now remember, these aren't just career goals. You may also put what you want or where you want to go." he added.

Bea's teacher passed out a blank piece of paper to each student in the class, in which she told them to write their future plans. She gave the students 2 minutes to think about what they were to write. After the teacher set the timer for the 2 minutes, the entire classroom went silent. While the other children thought, Bea sat there, staring at the blank piece of paper on her desk. After the 2 minutes were up, still, she sat there. As the other students were vigorously writing down their thoughts, Bea was still thinking. She had never really thought about her future. She didn't know what to write about.

Kelsey thought about putting aside her career goals in this project. She just felt like it was going to add to her stress. "You may also put what you want or where you want to go." Kelsey kept repeating to herself. "I'm pretty sure that I just want a video camera, or more storage on my phone to record more concert videos.." she thought. Then she thought about where she wanted to go, "Maybe Australia since that's where most of the foreign artists that I like were born." She thought a little smaller, like states in her actual country. That's when she thought of Bea. Kelsey picked up her pencil and wrote:

Past my career goals that may never get accomplished, I have travel goals. A lot. Disneyland? Disney World? Paris? No, I'm talking about plain old houses. Not just any houses. My friends houses. You may be thinking, "Don't your friends live in the neighborhood?" No. My real friends, that actually care about me, that actually want to talk to me 24:7, they sadly live farther. Arizona, Texas, Ohio, even Canada and Australia. So, there are my travel goals. Maybe I'll take a plane as my objective goal?

Bea knew she was going to somehow fail this assignment, even though the essay was only graded on participation. "Come on Bea, write." she told herself. She took her pencil and pressed it to the blank sheet of paper. She started to write out a paragraph.

In the future, I plan to finish my bucket list. I don't plan to start a full 'career' until I do so. I mainly plan to meet my internet friends, Kelsey and Ali, with whom I've been friends with for about a year. I basically want to live life to the fullest, because it just isn't that long. My career plans are either to become a famous youtuber, or just someone who helps people who have been through rough times. I like making people happy.

Bea smiled at her writing, as she thought of Kelsey. "We've really been friends for that long, huh?" Bea looked at the letter from Kelsey that was in her clear-cover binder.

"That reminds me.." Bea thought, as she took out her phone from her backpack. She pulled up her kik messenger and texted Kelsey. "Hey, wyd?" She slipped her phone back into her bag and continued to write.

Other than that, I mostly want to travel. I know my family wants me to go to a good college right after school, get a good career as a doctor and whatnot. I really want to just travel. Maybe to London.. That's where some of my YouTuber idols live.

Her phone chimed just as she finished writing.

Kelsey's message read "Writing a lame essay for this lame class." Though, Kelsey sometimes did like thinking about her future too. She really wanted to write books that would make people want to learn the lesson. She wanted to create art works that people would want to understand the stories behind. She wanted to write songs that would make people happy and know that they're not alone. But at this time she didn't want to remind herself about all of the challenges she would have to overcome to do those things.

The girls laughed at how they're basically doing the same thing at the same time. They discussed what their plans were for the future.

Kelsey: So right now I'm just thinking of places where I would like to travel and why..

Bea: Me too, I wrote down that I want to travel after highschool, instead of going straight to college, like my family expects of me. I don't know, I just want to see stuff.. I want to go places. Maybe even to meet you.

Kelsey: I really want to meet everyone that I know that I haven't met.. meeting you would be amazing.. where would we ever be able to meet though?

Bea: I'm not sure, but I know we will someday. Maybe we could meet somewhere in the middle of both of us.. At an event or something?

Kelsey: Any concerts?

Bea: Well, my aunt keeps saying she'll take me to Disneyland.. But she keeps moving it to the next month, so it probably won't happen. I'm going to a One Direction concert in July though!

Kelsey: What about that?

Bea: It's in Santa Clara.. How far is that from you?

Kelsey: I just checked the google maps anD IT SAYS ITS AN HOUR FROM HERE.

Bea: OMG so how is this gonna happen? Do you come to the concert or do I go to San Francisco to meet you?

Kelsey: Yea like I'm totally going to buy a $100 ticket to see the band I totally love with all of my heart. But um if its like $20 I would..

Bea: LOL.. Well I don't think my family would let me go all to San Francisco to meet my "Internet Friend." :(

Kelsey: The struggle of getting close to strangers over the internet, am I right? :/ Idk when we'll get another chance to meet ugh.

Bea: Hopefully soon.. I really want to meet you.

Kelsey: I want to meet you too..guess we got to keep hoping.

Kelsey slid her phone back into her pocket disappointed about their discussion on how Bea would be so close yet still so far. Kelsey typed the rest of her essay as she thought about all of her other friends that she still has hope to meet. Her friends that she became so close to that live in far states such as New York, to far countries such as Australia. She suddenly wished she had never talked to those strangers that soon became her best friends.

After Bea finished her essay, she raised her hand and handed it to her teacher. Obviously, she snatched it out of Bea's hand and began to read it. Bea just sat there patiently, hoping she'd get a better score than she did on past essays. Her teacher gave her a look and walked away to pick up another student's essay. "I guess that's a good thing?" Bea thought to herself. She packed her bag and just read silently for the rest of the period.

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