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"Hi." Kelsey read Bea's reply just as the bell rang for next period. She remembered how Ryan was in her next period. She thought about how cute Ryan was, although he was a junior, he still seemed childish. In the fun way. He probably thought of her also as childish. But in the immature way. The way how all juniors would view freshman. She walked into the class and sat down, staring at the door, waiting for Ryan to walk in. She decided that they were friends and that she wanted to go for it, and ask for his number.

"Kelsey, come turn in your project." Mrs. E called out. She brings her binder full of her work up, just when she starts feeling the anxiety of everyone looking at her, Ryan called out, "Kelseyyy!" and winks at her. Kelsey looks away just as she starts to blush, hands in her work, and sits back down. Mrs. E finished collecting the projects and assigned homework. She gives the class time to work on it in class, though everyone just goes on their phones. But Kelsey actually works on it. She was minding her own business, working on the assignment, as she saw a bright shirt in the corner of her eye. Remembering Ryan's bright shirt, she looks up to see Ryan sitting in the desk right by her, "Oh my god." they laughed. Ryan looked at her desk, "Why are you doing homework?" he smiled. "Why aren't you?" Kelsey smiled back. "Haha, so who's cuter, me or Jacob?" Ryan asked her. Kelsey didn't think about this, instead she thought about why it was asked. She thought about how she only ask these type of questions to someone she thought was cute herself, she thought about how Jacob once called her cute, and then she thought about who was cuter. On the inside. "Well, you guys are both cute." "You gotta choose one." Kelsey looked at him with an 'are you serious' look. "Fine. You because I know you better." she answered. "Ha, okay."

They talked about themselves a little, what kind of music they like, what kind of person they are, Kelsey asked, "By the way, what's your number?" He took her phone and put his number in. She took it back and typed 'Ryan' in the name. "Just Ryan? At least put a #1 after." he winked. She laughed and did as he said.

By this time, Bea was somewhere in her choir class. This was the class right before lunch. Bea dreaded this class a lot more than others, and for good reason. Her main enemy was in this class, the girl who ruined Middle School for her, Jean. She also sat at the very front of the class, right in front of her teacher's piano. The reason that was a bad thing, was that this was the class that Bea usually slacked off in. And she couldn't anymore, when the teacher saw her mouth move wrong with one lyric of any given song, she would get points taken off for that day. Her teacher was insane. But that's how all teachers are. At least her best friend of 2 years, Ava, was in this class. She would occasionally turn around in her seat and chat with her. After a long period, the bell rang for lunch.

Lunch was Bea's favorite part of the day. Not for the food, though. In fact, Bea hated her school's food. The pizza made her want to throw up all over the crusty styrofoam trays. She had no clue how any of the other students could eat it. Lunch was her favorite time of the day because it was "free time" for her. She'd get to talk to Ava, and she'd finally have a break from her annoying teachers. Though she enjoyed lunchtime, she still had a sinking feeling whenever she was sat on those uncomfortable plastic seats. Bea had the feeling that everyone was watching her, judging her. Every five minutes or so, she'd look around, anxiously looking to see if someone was laughing at her.

Kelsey got home and texted Ryan. He replied quick, unlike Jacob would do when they first started texting. Kelsey smiled when he said, "So tell me about yourself." still smiling at the thought that he actually cares she explained how she likes to write, listen to music, and learn about music. "Wow, i sound lame." She told herself. She sent the text anyways. He explained how he also liked to listen to music and basically just have fun. He sounded so nice. He was nice. She thought about all of the other girls he talks to, "I'm just a little friend of his." she kept reminding herself. Though, she still hoped he also had more feelings for her. "He doesn't even seem like most of the older guys. Just trying to get at little freshman for sex. He seems like he actually wants to get to know me." she told herself as another text came in. "What do you like to do?" he asked. She didn't want to sound boring again and say that she just liked to write books, think about her life, get sad, then...sit watching the blood roll down her wrists. "Idk" she just replied.

Bea was so exhausted when she had gotten home that day. She'd text Kelsey and they'd talk about their day. Kelsey would talk about boys and Bea would talk about school. They'd rant about their mothers for a bit, and then the day would be pretty much over. After being teased by her mom and aunt all day, Bea's mood was on the "do not fucking touch me" level by then, so she just decided to watch Netflix for the rest of the night.

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