Part 1.

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"Jeez, how long has it been? Are we even in the right place, Shinoa?" - Yu asked, trying to look cool, when in reality he was dead tired of constant walking.

"According to my map, we should be minutes away. Could it be that well hidden?" - Shinoa sighed and looked around. Nothing around them was indicating any human or even vampire activity. There were destroyed buildings and roads, and it was as quiet as ever.

"Did that idiot Guren send us here to waste time?" - Yu angrily said and kicked a random rock, which made a loud sound as it landed.

"Keep quiet, you dumbass! You want them to hear us? It could be a trap or something." - Shiho snapped. Yu smirked back at him.

"Who is going to hear us anyway - this whole place is empty. Let's just go back." - he sighed and looked at Shinoa for her response.

The short girl leader was looking very concentrated and serious, as if she actually expected someone to be here.

"We should look around more." - she finally stated. Mitsuba nodded - she also looked serious as well, as she got out her Demon Weapon.

Yu shrugged and started looking around for any signs of civilization.

Suddenly, everyone felt a rumble in the ground. They all got into a ready position and got out their Demon Weapons not knowing what to expect.

On spur of a moment a large beast emerged from the ground, sending everyone flying backwards. The monster was large, bigger than ever seen before. It had 6 large legs and a big mouth with enormous teeth.

"Everyone, fall back!" - Shinoa screamed at the top of her lungs, as she swiftly chopped of one of the legs with a quick blow, and back flipped out of the monsters range using her scythe as a shield to reflect it's attack. With a couple of high jumps, Yu crawled on top of a building out of the monsters reach, and helped Mitsuba up as well. Shortly afterwards Shinoa, Yoichi and Shiho also got to the top. The monster was slowly making it's way up the building.

Yoichi quickly got out his bow and shot three arrows right in the middle of the monsters head, making it fall down to the ground with a big explosion. It wasn't dead though, it healed exceptionally quickly and continued climbing up the building.

"Dammit! That thing didn't die!" - Shiho said angrily. Shinoa made a gesture to make keep everyone from attacking it.

"Let it climb higher, and then shoot it again." - she said with a calm voice, her eyes fixed on the creature. Yoichi got out his arrows.

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