EXTRA 2: Question Game.

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Shinoa: Can we all just listen carefully to the rules? You know I'm not saying them again.

Guren: *sarcastically* Oh there you are! Sorry, pimp, couldn't see where the voice was coming from!

Shinoa: *angry look* these jokes will get old one day.

Guren: Until then, deal with it.

Shinoa: Whatever. Anyway – everyone writes down 3 questions and we all place them in the hat. After that one after another we randomly pick up one question and have to answer it. TRUTHFULLY. *smirks*

*everyone starts to write the questions*

Yu: E-eh...e-e-eh...guys! Does anyone have a spare pen?

Mika: *just before Yoichi hands his pen to Yu pushes him out of the way, grabs Ferid's pen while he was still writing and hands it to Yu* Here Yu-chan!

Yu: *smiles* Thanks Mich! *Mika blushes intensively*.

Mika: Welcome!

Ferid: *annoyed* I was kind of writing something, Mika-chan.

Mika:  Nobody wants to even know what kind of questions you will write, perv.

Ferid: O-o-oh but Mi-i-ika...! Ah, that doesn't matter. I can sacrifice anything for the canonnes of the MikaYu ship. *gets pen from Crowley*.

*everyone puts their papers in the hat*

Krul: The game (you just lost it) shall begin!

Shinoa: That was kind of my line here.

Krul: How can someone of your height say such dramatic lines? Nobody will hear them, pesky human.

Shinoa: *even more annoyed* I am pretty sure we are the same height.

Krul: *stands up* Comparing me, the queen of Japan, to some purple headed midget? If this was anywhere else your tongue would be long gone by now.

Shinoa: Oh really....*stands up, reaches for cursed weapon*

Guren: *also stand up* ASSES ON THE GROUND LADIES.

*dead silence*

Ferid: *slow clap*

Shinya: *whispers to Ferid* That's my Guren.

Ferid: *pats back* I approve.

Mitsuba: A-anyway! Let's just start this idiocy.

Yoichi: But who is first...?

*dead silence*

*everyone looks at Yu*

Yu: Really guys. O-o-o-oka-a-ay...*picks up first paper* Its says...E-eh....I can't really...This language....

Mika: Let me see, I'll help! *reads paper* *slowly raises his head and death stares at Ferid*

Mika: You. Are. Dead.

Yu: W-what does it say?

Kimizuki: *peeks* It says...Whats 69+21....!!!!!! *cracks up silently*

Mika: *reaches for sword*

Ferid: Hey-hey-hey Mika chan! I did not write this question!

Shinoa: *cracks up hella loud* AHAHAHAHAH!

*everyone looks at her*

Mitsuba: Shi-shinoa?! You dirty minded...

Shinoa: But it's an easy question, everyone! *can't stop laughing uncontrollably*

Ferid: Huh? Oh, I see...*giggles*

Yu: I don't get it guys...What's so funny...

Mika: Don't mind those incompetent perverts Yu-chan!

Shinoa: The answer is...*smirks at Ferid*

Ferid: ...obviously...*smirks at Shinoa*

Ferid and Shinoa together: MIKAYUUUUU!!!!!!! *air high five*

*awkward silence*

Krul: You have my slight respect, human.

Shinoa: Ha! OTP unites us all, bloodsucker.

Yu: Hey, Mika! It's your turn now!

Mika: Huh? Oh, yes, it is. *nervously picks up paper*

Mika: 'If you woke up one day to find out that you were invisible, what would you do?' Hm-m-m... I suppose...

Shinoa: Truthfully!

Mika: I suppose I would... *stares at Ferid* *covers Yu's ears*. HAND YOUR SORRY ASS TO YOU ON A SILVER PLATE YOU PIECE OF SATANS SH*T. *uncovers Yu's ears*

Ferid: Aw-w-w that's so sweet of you, to spend your invisibility on me! How cute. But to be true, we all know that that would not be the FIRST thing you would have done.

Krul: Yes-yes, I agree with him, Mika. We a-a-a-a-ll know what you would really do.

Mika: *blushes and death stares at the same time* Wha-what do you mean?!

Yu: What do you mean...?

Shinoa: Oh, don't be such an ignorant dumbass, Yu! *giggles* *whispers in Yu's ear*

Yu: *turns red* WHAAAA-?! *turns to Mika* Is-is that trueeee?!

Mika: eh..eh...No, no wa-a-ay! *sweats*

Ferid: You cannot deny your feelings foreve-e-e-e-er!

Krul: Ah, sweet mother Tereza on a back of the Four Horseman of John, this OTP is a majestic f****** eagle.

To be continued.

Okay, so if you would like me to continue with extras like these tell me. By the way if anyone has any ideas that I could write extras about plz tell me here or inbox =) =) =)


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