Part 5.

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The grey haired vampire with a ponytail was easily dodging Kimizuki's Yu's and even Yoichi attacks at the same time, keeping up the same smile when he looks down on humans. Yu remembered that smile - it was the same smile that he had when he was slaughtering his family, one by one, strike by strike.

When Ferid got tired of playing with them, he abruptly striked Kimizuki in the side. The boy didn't have time to defend himself from the attack, and screamed in pain, as the sword quickly stabbed him and crushed his ribs. Kimizuki grabbed his side in pain and fell to his knees. The vampire decided not to finish him off yet, as the sight of humans in pain always gave him a delightful feeling.

Yu saw his friend falling on the ground cringing from the pain, as the vampire withdrew his weapon and turned around on his heels, licking off the blood from his arm. He glanced at Yoichi, who was aiming another shot at him, waiting for a perfect moment. Without a warning, Ferid sprinted towards Yoichi and within moments his sword was millimeters away from Yoichi's shoulder. The poor guy didn't even have time to dodge it and just fell to the ground unconscious from the attack.

"That took longer than I expected" - the vampire sighed and turned back to Yu, who was unable to move from the sight of his friends getting crushed just like that. Is this really going to repeat? Is he really going to watch his loved ones die in front of him? Is he really that powerless?

This time I can make a difference... A thought just went through his head. This time I am not powerless. This time...

"Oi, Mika! Calm down your angry girlfriend here!" - Ferid said, while practically running around being chased by Yu, who was simply aiming one attack after another without even thinking. Although that kind of entertained Ferid - after all, Yu was just another human that was only moved by emotions - he didn't want to attack back.

"Are you listening, Mika-chan?" - he asked again and looked back only to see the young vampire dash right past him, - "Oh Mika..."

As Yu prepared for the next strike, he noticed his old friend appearing out of nowhere. The blonde vampire grabbed Yu's neck and before he could say anything, smashed him on the ground so hard that Yu almost lost consciousness. He struggled, but he was nowhere as strong as the vampire that held him down. Yu looked in the eyes of his long lost brother only to realise that they were nothing like the eyes he knew and loved - they were dim and cold, full of hunger and bloodlust. Those were the eyes of a true monster, and the only thought that that was his family made him twitch in fear. He closed his eyes, as Mika abruptly ripped off clothes and exposed his right shoulder. He slowly lifted his head and dug his vampire fangs deep into Yu's flesh.

"M-mich... stop...please..." - Yu whispered, still trying to reach his friend. After some moments in silence, Mika's grip softened.

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