Part 14.

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Mika helped Yu get up - the boys' forehead was covered in blood. They both turned to the vampire noble, standing on top of a big chunk of rock, looking down on them. Mika frowned - the noble seemed to be of exceptional power, so the battle will be difficult. No, more like impossible. At this point it wasn't about his own survival anymore - it was about whether he could hold him off for long enough for Yu to escape to safety. Safety?

Vampires were everywhere around them, the battle between humans and bloodsuckers could be heard from all over the place. There was no safety here.

Mika looked back at Yu, checking how badly he was hurt. Yu stood up straight, wiped off the blood and looked back at Mika, his eyes full of determination. It was as if he was prepared to fight.

"You can't take him alone, can you?" He wondered, as if already knowing the answer. Mika nodded, looking back at the noble, who was patiently waiting for an attack, how nice of him. "We can do it together, then." Yu drew his katana, releasing a massive amount of Demonic Power. Mika placed his hand on Yu's shoulder.

"Yu, I don't want you to fight this time." He said quietly, looking straight into Yu's eyes. His expression changed from determination to confusion and anger.

"W-what?! Are you kidding me?" He roughly pushed the hand off his shoulder and stepped forward. "Yeah, like hell! Since when do you think I'm going to let you do this alone?!" Mika dashed in front of Yu, stopping him.

"Please, just listen to me! If I hold him back, you can find your human friends and..."

"Shut up!" Yu yelled back angrily and pushed the vampire to the side. His eyes were teary and he wiped them with a fast motion, hiding it from Mika. "I am not running away this time, do you understand?!"

"You don't undertstand, this time it's different, this time.."

"It's not! It's not different at all - you want me to run away again, you want to sacrifise your life like it's nothing special!" Yu wiped more tears and then turned back to Mika. "But it is - it's special to me, and I won't let you toy with it like it's nothing!" With those words he turned back and ran for the vampire. Mika let out a silent scream and then quickly followed him.

Mika ran faster then Yu overlapping him and attacking first. With a very fast movement the noble deflected the attack with his sword, being so fast that even Mika found it almost impossible to track his movements. Mika spinned in the air and went for the neck, while Yu swang his katana right in front of the nobles red eyes, at least distracting him. Smirking in the process, the vampire threw Mika backwards with a quick kick and grabbed Yu's arm. Mika landed back on his feet.

It felt like slow motion to Yu, as he watched the vampire grab his arm, and with a powerful twist the boy heard a loud crack. His arm, like a straw, was crooked the wrong way, exposing the bone. A moment after that, the extreme pain followed the sound.

"WAAAHH!" Yu fell on the ground beside the noble, twisting and shrieking in pain, holding his broken arm. The noble let out a giggle and turned to the vampire boy as if checking out his reaction.

Mika froze, unable to move in fear and shock. His eyes widened, his pupils became little dots. He heard the screams of his love, and they were piercing his ears again and again. It was as if those screams awakened the fire inside him, and as the red coloured thorns were digging inside his hand, he stood up and one quiet whisper escaped his mouth before he dashed forward.

"I'll kill you."

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