MikaYuu fight!!!(!)

910 42 63

(sorry for not updating for agez)
(sorry for my lame humour XD XD XD)

Context: Mika and Yuu have a big fight and both go to their friends for advice.

*in a cafeteria*

Yuu: Hey, Shinoa, can I ask you a question?

Shinoa: Eh? Why, sure, Yu-san. You never did that before.

Yuu: Just listen. So, eh, me and Mika had a fight.

Shinoa: A...fight?

Yuu: Yep. A fight.

Shinoa: Okay, let me just clear this up – was it just another fight where you yelled and raged while Mika just stood there? Because so far that's what all your fights looked like.

Yuu: N-no! He said...stuff...too...

Shinoa: But you didn't hear it over the sound of your own screaming.

Yuu: Hey, he even called me something!

Shinoa: *sarcastically* Uh-oh, what, did he call you a not-so-fluffy puppy?

Yuu: No! He called me....wait...I even wrote it down *gets out a paper*....here..."You are a grievously loathsome pick pocket and a preposterous urine-reeking gruesome vista to all eyes assaulted by the sight of you."

Shinoa: Wow. He. Actually. Insulted. You.

Yuu: What does that even mean...?

Shinoa: Who knows – he has been hanging around 600 year old vampires, no wonder he picked up their fancy-ass language! You know, just a week ago I heard this gem from him: *gets out a paper as well* "You are a cruelly inept sycophant and a naive odiously suffocating sub-literate simple minded mental midget."

Yuu: Oh, wow. What did you even say?

Shinoa: *nervously sweats* You do no-o-o-ot need to know that. A-anyways, you had an argument, right?

Yuu: Yeah. I just said that.

Shinoa: Just a sec. *Gets out a phone* Ju-u-ust a se-e-ec...*puts down phone* Right.

*all of a sudden Guren, Kimizuki, Yoichi, Mitsuba, Asuramaru and Shinya rush into the cafeteria*

Mitsuba: *worried af* What is it Shinoa?!

Kimizuki: You said it was important, what is it?

Yoichi: Is it really matter of life and death??

Shinoa: *stands up dramatically* The day has come.

Guren: What.

Shinoa: It has happened. *points at Yu*. It is time we give him.



*door slams*

Yoichi: Where did Kimizuki go?

Ferid: Ah, Mika-kun. What a surprise to see you here!

Mika: To me as well, to me as well.

Ferid: So what brings our dear friend to this estate?

Mika: You know, I was thinking of asking you, but now I have a feeling I need to get as far away from this place as I possibly can.

*high heels sound*

*voice from the shadow*

Krul: Oh, Ferid, I think we both know what brought him here.

Ferid: My queen, on time as always.

Mika: I came to seek advice, actually.

Krul: And I believe I know just the advice you need.

Mika: You...do?

Krul: Of course. *devilish smirk*

Mika: So...then...what do I do...in a relationship?

Krul: Eh?

Ferid: Eh?

Crowley: *randomly appears behind Ferid* Eh?

Chess and Horn: *randomly appear behind Crowley* Eh?

Lacus: *walking by* Eh?


*awkward silence*

Krul: Is...is that the reason you are...here?

Mika: I thought you said you knew...?

Ferid: *excited* Oh, goodness, this is rather unexpected.

Lacus: Wait, Mika got a girlfriend? BEFORE ME?

Krul: I believe it's not...a...girlfriend.

Mika: Well...

Crowley: You sure took it far with your 'family'! *winks at Ferid*.

Mika; *sighs*

Krul: Just tell us everything already!

Shinoa: Tell. Us. Everything.

Guren: Why am I even here?

Shinoa: Ts-s-s! This is important! As a fatherly figure, you should be as supportive as possible!

Guren: As a wha-?!

Shinoa: *death glare* TS-S-S!

Yu: Okay. *clears throat* So here's how it went.

We wake up, perfect Sunday morning. And then IT was there. A large, scary monster right from the depths of hell, Satan's right hand, the demon so bad Asuramaru ain't got nothing on it.

Mika: *telling story to Krul, Ferid, etc.*

I was in the middle of making breakfast when I heard Yu scream, so I run into his room and there is a spider on his wall.

Yu: *telling story to Shinoa, Guren etc.*

That Richard opens my door and just stands there. This beast is just casually sitting on the wall, and Mika wasn't even paying attention.


So I ask him what's wrong, and realized that he was a bit scared of the spider in between his constant swearing and begging for help. Subsequently, I go to the laundry for the mop.


This son of a Bathory just calmly LEAVES ME IN THE SAME ROOM WITH THE MONSTER. I follow him, of course – I ain't staying!


So I get the mop, get back into the room and we realize that the spider isn't there anymore. Good news, right? It's gone, right?


HE FRIGGIN MISSED IT. He lost it. The culprit could have been WHERETHER in our house, could kill us all at night. I know how these things work. At that point there was only one way.


I let him out of my sight for ONE SECOND, and the next thing I see is him running around like a Four Horseman of Jean John with a vodka in his hand. Was I surprised? Not as surprised, as when he SET THE THING ON FIRE.


I do not understand why he got so mad. I mean, I saved our lives after all! That idiot should be hella grateful!


So yeah. Now we don't have a house.

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