Part 4.

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Mika watched as Yu's expression changed from anger and determination to surprise and joy. He lowered his sword, and then gave Mika the most beautiful smile, that made Mika have a weird feeling.

I forgot that Yu could smile like that... he thought in his head, as the boy put his sword back, and come closer.

"M-mika...It's you! You are really here!" - he whispered, as tears of happiness went down his cheeks. He reached for Mika, he wanted to hold him, because last time he couldn't make it, but now he..

"GET AWAY FROM HIM, YOU IDIOT!" - Mitsuba screamed in mid air, as she attacked Mika with her weapon. The vampire looked up, and jumped back, dodging the attack. Mitsuba stood up and pointed her weapon at the blonde boy, with the angry look on her face.

"You so owe me that, jerk!" - she hissed and got ready to reflect an attack. Shortly after that Shiho made his way to Yu, making sure he was able to fight.

"Why the hell did you stop attacking, idiot? Wanna get killed?" - he yelled. Yu realized what was going on and then started explaining.

"N-no, it's okay, you guys, Mika is part of my fami..." - he got interrupted by another vampire, who appeared out of nowhere right in front of him and got out his sword.

"We meet again, Hyakuya" - Ferid said with a smile on his face. Yu realized, that he knew that vampire.

It was the vampire that killed everyone.

Yu got out his sword, not yet knowing what's going on. Why was Mika with that vampire? Did they brainwash him?

Who cares about that, this time I am going to kick his sorry ass, and I'm taking Mika with me.

Yu dashed towards the vampire, but he, unexpectedly, simply jumped over Yu's head and went for Shiho.

Mika was surrounded by Shinoa and Mitsuba, who both had their Demon Weapons out and ready. Mika got out his sword, and his bored and emotionless expression came back. He was so very tired of those humans, that were keeping him away from Yu, he just wanted to get it all over and done with.

Shinoa knew, who that boy was. She didn't want to attack him and didn't really expect an attack - after all he saved her life before, but his expression scared her. Was that the family that Yu loved and cherished? That buy full of despise and hatred?

"You are Mikaela Hyakuya, correct?" - she asked carefully in a straight voice, still having her weapon up. The boy's eyes twitched, when she said his name, but he did not reply or move.

"Yu told us about you. He said you were a part of his family" - she then continued, expecting some kind of reaction.

So Yu still thinks of me as family... Mika thought, which warmed his heart.

"He said that he wanted to save you" - Shinoa finally stated. Mitsuba was observing Shinoa for any signs or orders, and patiently waited.

"You are wrong", Mika finally said. Shinoa raised her eyebrows in confusion and question.

"Wrong?" - she asked.

"It's him, who needs to be saved" - Mika coldly stated, as thorns emerged from his sword and dug into his hand.

"From... what?" - she wondered, and gripped her scythe harder nervously.

"From lying humans like you." - he answered quietly and dashed forward towards the girl.

"Wa-wait!" - she squeaked as his sword was already inches away from her shoulder. Mitsuba just in time reflected his attack with her weapon and jumped back. She swang her weapon a few more times at him, but he reflected each blow easily. Mitsuba helped Shinoa up and then shouted at the boy.

"You...complete jerk! How can you even call yourself Yu's family?!"

Mika gave Mitsuba a hateful stare and dashed forward once again. This time Shinoa managed to reflect the attack with her scythe and Mitsuba springed fast and striked. Mika dodged it and responded with an attack, that touched her leg. Mitsuba screamed in pain and Shinoa striked with her scythe, which made Mika jump back.

"A-are you okay?" - Shinoa asked the red-head.

"Im fine. It's just a small cut. " - she responded and stood up.

At that moment, Mika glanced at her leg and felt a burning sensation down his throat and in his whole body. He fell to his knees and reached for Krul's blood - but it wasn't there - he drank it all way before. His thirst couldn't be fulfilled. His mind started to cloud, as he desperately tried get himself back up and come back to normal. He looked up, but all he could see is bright red, warm blood dripping down slowly. The vampire stood up, and dashed forwards.

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