Alternative ending one-shot 2/3.

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Mika blinked a couple of time before opening his eyes. The first thing he felt was the aching pain in his chest. The second thing he felt was silence - it was surprisingly silent for a battlefield. Fighting the dizziness the boy opened his eyes and slowly got up to a sitting position analysing his surroundings. It was dark - he was inside a building. There was a broken window on his left and he remarked that the sky was getting redder, the sun was setting. The vampire tried to calculate how long he was out for - about 2-5 hours at least. In this room he was alone, but he heard voices from the room next to him.

"What do you suggest we do with him? He is a vampire, Yu!" Mika recognized the voice - purple headed girl from before.

"He is not against us, okay? Mika is my family, I am not leaving him behind." This voice he could recognize out of a million. Realizing that Yu was okay Mika felt immense relief, like a mountain just fell of his shoulders.

"But he is still dangerous. Who knows what is on his mind?" This voice was far squeakier, probably belonged to another girl.

"Mika can be trusted, guys!" Mika felt despair in the boys voice. The vampire got up and slowly walked towards the door. In his mind he was thinking of what he could possibly say to Yu, to convince him to leave, but he knew that Yu was not the kind of person who could leave his friends behind, especially after what happened 4 years ago.

"How can you be sure, for all we know he might only be interested in-" The yellow haired girl went dead silent as she saw Mika standing in the doorway. The whole squad turned to him and Yu jumped on his legs.

"Mich! You are awake!" The brown haired boy felt the urge to hug him, but realized that he must keep himself in place in front of his friends. After all, none of them seemed to trust Mika at all.

"Yu-chan..." Mika's eyes moved slowly travelled around the room carefully observing everyone, trying to point out their weaknesses and strengths, remembering their demon weapons. Just like they didn't trust him he didn't trust them at all and he could see the distrust and doubt in everyone's eyes. Mika didn't care about them though - whether they liked him or not would not affect him in any way - looking at the current circumstances they were likely to be dead anyway. It was Yu that mattered right now - his wide opened green eyes and a pale blush on his face.

Yu saw the way Mika looked at his friends - with suspicion and distrust. It was distressing seeing the two things he loved most in this world hate each other like that. The vampire's hand was resting on the sword's handle and in the corner of his eye Yu saw Shinoa squeeze her miniature scythe. Realizing that any time now someone is going to get hurt, and it is probably the humans - Yu saw how powerful Mika was before - Yu decided to take action.

"Alright, everyone, eh...uhm..." Yu was stuttering, not knowing what to say to calm everyone down. Mitsuba looked up to him, frowning.

"So what now?" She asked in an irritated voice. Glancing at Mika gripping his sword she added: "Maybe we should take his sword away."

Narrowing his eyes at the girl Mika deadpanned:

"Come and take it, human." Offended, Mitsuba jumped off the floor burning up in anger:

"I have a name, bloodsucker!" With these words she reached out to air and an axe appeared in her hand. Mika was about to get out his sword when Yu grabbed the girls arm and made her let go of the axe.

"What the hell are you doing?!" The girl pushed him away and started yelling:

"Haven't you heard the way he was talking to us?! He just can't be trusted, Yu!"

Mika clenched his teeth - the girl was pissing him off - it was her who should never be trusted, it was her who was lying to Yu, but the boy just failed to see that.

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