Part 10.

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Yu glanced at the small plate of food on the table in the cabin he was taken to. He looked away in disgust - as if he was ever going to eat anything from these monsters. He put on the clothes that he was given, since his other clothes were pretty much destroyed. Yu hated the fact that he was around those creatures, unable to kill them. Even though he was overflowing with rage, he was calmed down by the fact that he was here for Mika. Yes, he was only here to get Mika out of this; the Moon Demon Company will be here soon and they can both finally escape. Yu felt uneasy about the fact that Mika might not come along with him. No, he must. There is no way Yu was leaving him here, not him. They were finally reunited, and Yu would do anything to stay with Mika now.

The boy opened the door, only to find the blonde vampire already standing in the hall, leaning against the metal wall. The moment Yu exited, Mika uncrossed his arms, as if he was interrupted from some kind of serious thoughts. He looked at Yu, as if expecting something. Yu looked around - Ferid or other vampires weren't around.


He took a step closer to Mika, buying time to think about what he should say. He needed to convince him to leave, to come with him and join the humans.

"Mich...I...uhm...I want you...I want us to..."

"Leave?" - Mika completed his sentence with a noticeably sad look on his face. Yu gulped and spoke again.

"Yes. Mich, I...Come on, you really don't want to be here... I can you even be around that nobel jerk? Have you forgotten? He killed...he killed everyone right in front of our eyes, he..."

"I have not forgotten anything, Yu." - Mika interrupted him with in a cold voice. He clenched up, remembering those moments from 4 years ago. The sharp feeling of guilt pierced him, as those images started to show up in his head.

"Then why?! Why are you still here?! Why are you with them? Why have you..." - Without finishing the sentence, Yu quickly wiped away his tears, trying to calm down. For all these years he believed the person he treasured most was dead, and when he finally finds out he is alive, he can't even be with him anymore, separated by an invisible wall. Why did it have to end up like this? Why can't they both just let it all go and leave somewhere, doesn't matter where, but far-far away and together?

Mika looked down, unable to do anything to calm Yu down. Throughout all these years he lost the ability to be a friend, to help mentally... He felt useless, he felt... inhuman... He was not a human, so he couldn't be surrounded by them as well.

"Just because you are not a human doesn't mean a damn thing to me! It doesn't matter, I don't care, not at all! You are my family... you..."

Suddenly Yu clasped Mika, locked his hands behind his back, and drowned his head in his shoulder, as if trying to hide his river of tears and uncontrollable sobs. Yu held Mika very close and very strong, afraid to let go, afraid to lose him ever again. He didn't care about anything anymore, all that mattered is that Mika was finally here, with him, not running away or disappearing into the darkness. The vampire boy blushed, at first confused but then he smiled, through his own happy tears. Even back in the orphanage the two kids never hugged, they were meant to stay strong. But now, at this very moment the feeling of guilt, embarrassment or own weakness ceased to exist, vanished in the light of true joy and love. Mika softly hugged Yu back, stroking his spiky dark hair, allowing the boy to finally let out his emotions that he kept in for so long. Yu slowly calmed down, and raised his teary eyes to look right into the vampires. They were so close to each other, closer than ever before. Yu felt like he needed more time, he was not ready to let go now, he just couldn't let go, couldn't look away from Mika's beautiful eyes as deep as the ocean. Without any abrupt movements, Yu closed his eyes, straightened his back and softly closed the gap between the two boys' lips.

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