- chapter twenty five

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the four had made it to school the next morning and it didn't take long for teachers to be shouting at tommy, he came to school without his blazer on and a jumper on instead

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the four had made it to school the next morning and it didn't take long for teachers to be shouting at tommy, he came to school without his blazer on and a jumper on instead. let's just say that the teachers were not impressed.

"jumper off please young man, put your blazer on" a woman said as he walked past, the blonde completely ignored her and continued to walk "excuse me, i'm talking to you"

"yeah i know and i don't care, can you just fuck off?" tommy hisses which just got himself in even more trouble than he was from yesterday "you do not speak to teachers like that, go to isolation right now"

tommy shakes his head and dismisses the woman as he continues to walk to his form class, as he walks in she continues to follow him and stands next to his form tutor while he takes a seat "why are you following me? i told you the first time to fuck off and you still haven't!" he groaned earning a few giggles from the class.

"what is this young man's name" she asks mrs. johnson, his form tutor "tommy cooper, he arrived here yesterday and was involved in the seagull incident" the woman sat down responds but tommy ignores them and begins to talk to bill who was sat next to him.

"who is this woman and why is she so annoying?" he asks and the brunette lets out a laugh "she's called miss evans, she's like the assistant head teacher and you've swore at her twice, you're fucked mate" he warns tommy who just shrugs.

"come with me tommy and make it easier for both of us" miss evans says with aggression in her voice but the blonde just shakes his head "no i'm fine here thanks, have a good day though" he smiles sarcastically at her.

"alright i'll go get mr. gibson then, how does that sound?" she states trying her best to intimidate tommy but failed, he really didn't care "that's sounds great, i'll be waiting right here"

and with that she left the room, tommy sat there just like he said he would while the class did the register. he knew this would get him in quite a bit of trouble but he didn't care, he could not be bothered with school today.

it took about ten minutes but mr. gibson finally arrived with miss. evans leading the way "tommy, can you come with me please?" he asks in his monotone voice but the blonde just shook his head "no, can you just fuck off? all of this is over me wearing a jumper, why do you all care so much about what i'm wearing?"

"there's no need for the language tommy, can you please just step out here and we can't talk" the man offered calmly and tommy just stood up, it felt better to be spoken to like an actual person unlike how miss. evans spoke "thank you tommy, sorry to bother you miss" he says to mrs. johnson who just gives a smile in response.

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