- chapter thirty

626 32 19

trigger warning

the next day at school was going a lot better for tommy, he had attended all his lessons for the first time so far but at lunch it changed

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the next day at school was going a lot better for tommy, he had attended all his lessons for the first time so far but at lunch it changed. him and billzo were sat at a bench while a group of boys started heading over to them, tommy could tell that this wasn't going to be good instantly.

"oi gay boy!" a boy shouts as the group walk over and billzo just lets out a sigh "come on tommy, lets go" he says while standing up but tommy doesn't move one inch.

"no, what are they saying?" he says while moving bill's arm away from his, bill just shook his head "it's nothing tommy, can we just go?"

but it was too late now, the boys had now arrived and were laughing at the two sat that. they were hurling abuse at bill for no reason, the one phrase that stood out to tommy was "is this your boyfriend? you both fags together?"

that was it for tommy, he couldn't have someone being homophobic to his friend. maybe even best friend.

he got up and tackled the boy, once the boy was on the ground he landed multiple punches onto his face as the boy fought back. they wrestled on the ground while others gathered around, bill tried to get tommy off before teachers arrived but he couldn't do anything, tommy wouldn't stop.

the boy landed a few punches on tommy which he took rather well but overall, tommy had got that homophobe pretty good. he also got his stomach before a few teachers came over to break it up.

just before he was taken away he whispered to the boy "if you ever have a problem with my friend again you come to me alright?" the groaning boy on the floor just nodded.

soon enough tommy was taken away although he resisted, he knew he would be in even more trouble but it was worth it. he had to stick up for his friend, even if they'd only known each other a few days.

he was taken into his head of years office, the one he was sat in on monday except the circumstances were different this time. he was still angry and they were trying to calm him down but he wouldn't listen.

while the man looked away tommy made a run for it, he was going to find that bastard. it was coming to the end of lunch and people were going to there lessons which would've made it even harder to find him. he knew this mystery boy wouldn't be in his lesson due to the incident at lunch so he went to the behaviour support area first.

he wasn't there although he did get some looks from teachers that had seen him in the last two days, he was running round the school looking for him.

as he was running he bumped into a familiar pinkette, he looked at him and tried shoving past him but techno would not let him through "where are you running to?"

"trying to find this boy" he panted as he had been running round for a while "i just had a fight with him so i'm guessing teachers are trying to find me now but i'm trying to find him"

"jesus christ" techno muttered as he processed the information he had been given "this is not good, why did you have a fight anyway? was at least a valid reason?"

"he was being homophobic" tommy stated and techno just nodded with a smile "that's very valid, i see no problem with what you did but i don't think dad will" techno tells the boy "who's the boy anyway?"

"i don't actually know, he just came up to me and bill and started calling him loads of names so i just couldn't let it happen" the blonde explains "i know i'm probably going to get in shit and phils probably gonna send me back but it's worth it"

"oh trust me, he's not gonna send you ba-" techno was interrupted by the yell of a familiar headteacher down the corridor "tommy cooper, get back here now please"

the blonde just shook his head and ran the opposite way, techno tried to 'catch' the boy but failed giving mr. gibson a smile as he chased after the younger.

he had no clue where he was going, he could tell he was heading to a dead end soon and just decided to accept his fate. he slowed down his pace and turned around, moments later mr. gibson jogged round the corner "why don't we go have a chat in my office tommy, i can get you a drink and you can tell me what's gone on"

tommy nodded, he liked the sound of that. he wasn't being shouted at for running away and instead he was being talked to like an actual human being which unsurprisingly didn't happen often.

he followed mr. gibson to his office and he soon had a warm mug of hot chocolate in his hands, he looked down to his free left hand and realised how much pain there was in it. it was bright red with blood drying around his knuckles which was not good.

"let me get some bandages for your hand" mr. gibson says as he grabs a first aid bag from a cupboard, he first wiped his hand with antiseptic wipes making the boy wince at the pain "it's alright, it'll be over in a minute" the man smiled "why don't you tell me about what happened at lunch then? i've sent an email to your teacher and told her you won't be coming so we've got an hour"

"well the boy, i don't know his name" tommy began to explain "he came over to me and billzo and began saying some bad things, he was being homophobic for some reason and i just couldn't help but get angry and go for him"

"well, i'm going to make sure he gets a punishment for what's happened but that doesn't mean you're off free either" mr. gibson tells him "everyone gets angry but it's how we deal with it is the problem, have you ever been to anger management classes before in other schools?"

"no" he shook his head "they didn't really care in other schools and practically all of my foster parents didn't care either so i just learned to deal with it, it doesn't bother me often but it just ruins most chances my brother gets because i let my anger take over and we get kicked out a house"

"it's not your fault tommy, you can't control it but i'm going to get you signed up to anger management in our behaviour department and hopefully that will help you"

"thanks" is all tommy could say, he was never used to people actually treating him with respect which is literally the bare minimum for anyone but to him it really was a lot.

"thanks" is all tommy could say, he was never used to people actually treating him with respect which is literally the bare minimum for anyone but to him it really was a lot

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authors note

finally updated!!!

struggled with what to write but
finally figured something out :)

i also just watched heartstopper
and i ducking love it

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