- chapter twenty four

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when kristen got home phil had spoken to her about the cat and luckily for the boys, she agreed

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when kristen got home phil had spoken to her about the cat and luckily for the boys, she agreed. the problem was that the cat wouldn't leave tommys side, whenever one of them tried to even approach it he would hiss at them.

they had gone onto the facebook group of their town and it seemed like the cat had belonged to no one on there, all the comments seemed to say that they had seen the cat before but it didn't seem to belong to anyone. they were still going to check at the vets of course as it still could have an owner.

"what should we name him?" phil asks as they all sat down to watch a film, they did that every week so they could all spend time together no matter what kid was there. they all look over to the cat that was sat in tommys lap.

"something mysterious i think" wilbur adds and techno rolls his eyes while sighing "stop trying to be edgy wilbur just because you play the guitar" the pinkette chuckles before receiving a jab in the ribs from wilburs elbows.

"boys stop it" kristen warns them before turning back to tommy and tubbo "you two can choose, he can't just have no name for the rest of the night"

tommy just shrugged while tubbo tried to think of some ideas for a name "i know tommy has mentioned the name milo before if he ever had a pet, what about that?"

that's what tommy had wanted to say the whole time but was nervous, he didn't want to be judged for the name. he knew it was stupid and he probably wouldn't be judged but he still didn't want to, being put on the spot like that wasn't something he enjoyed.

"that's a lovely one!" kristen cheered "i think it's perfect for him, is that the one you want as well tommy?" the blonde nods his head lightly avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room "okay then it's settled, his name is milo"

the twins both nod their heads in agreement as the film began, they were watching the first spider-man as the tommy and tubbo hadn't watched it yet. they decided to go from the first film and watch them in order as they all enjoyed the series of movies and the two always wanted to watch spider-man as well.

about half way through the movie tubbo had fallen asleep, he did enjoy the film but he was so exhausted from school. his social battery had ran out and it really did knock him out, this only happened when he hung around people for too long. except tommy though, he was an exception. he could sit and talk to tommy all day without getting tired.

where as tommy stayed awake the whole time, he really enjoyed the film and when it was over he was desperate to watch the second one but of course phil and kristen said no because it was getting late.

"alright can you guys start heading up to bed now" phil says, although it was said like a question it was more of a statement. the three nodded while tubbo was still unconscious on the couch "do one of you want to wake tubbo up?" tommy shook his head as he stood up.

he knew that if tubbo was woken up he probably wouldn't get back to sleep so he decided on carrying him, he managed to stop milo jumping at his legs to pick him up before reaching down to tubbo and lifting him.

"you sure you can carry him? i can do it if you want" techno offers but tommy refuses instantly as he shakes his head, techno understood why he wouldn't let him but he wanted to make sure that tommy didn't drop his brother in the process.

they left the living room and made their way upstairs with tommy at the front with milo following behind of course and the other two trailing behind, as tommy made it to tubbos door it came apparent to him that he could not open the door.

luckily, techno had noticed as he was right behind tommy and had opened the door for him. the blonde just gave a thankful smile to the pinkette before entering tubbos room and laying him down on the bed.

once he had tucked tubbo into bed he picked up milo who was still at his feet before making his way out of the room and into his own, he closed the door behind him and sat down on his bed. he placed milo at the foot of his bed but as he got into bed milo made his way up to to the side of tommy torso.

the boy stroked the cat as he began to purr, they had already gained a close bond in the short time they knew each other. he just wondered how milo would cope when he left to go to school the next day.

that's when tommy had decided he was going to get off school, he was going to somehow get himself sent home. it didn't matter if he was being suspended or sent home for being sick, he was going to get sent home.

he was doing that because he didn't want milo to be left alone and he also didn't want to be in school, he had always hated school and he doubted that was going to change anytime sooner. although his first day was fun with bill he just couldn't be bothered so as he laid there stroking milo he began to think of a plan.

 although his first day was fun with bill he just couldn't be bothered so as he laid there stroking milo he began to think of a plan

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authors note

second update of the day wooo!!

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