- chapter thirty one

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at the end of the day, the four met up at the front gates of the school and began walking

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at the end of the day, the four met up at the front gates of the school and began walking. as they walked out, tommy took one last look around to see if he could spot the boy, he scanned through the crowds of people until he recognised the boy.

he noticed he was walking, well limping with a boy who looked a few years older than him. he had blonde hair and was rather tall, he stood out in the crowd of people but that was due to his height. he looked pretty average looking to tommy but that didn't matter, all that mattered was getting that boy.

"come on tommy" tubbo says as the boy stood still, eyes tracking the bruised boy in the wave of people coming through "yeah, one second" tommy said as the other three stopped to see what he was looking at.

he watched as they came closer, he didn't even know the boys name but he knew that he hadn't even noticed what was going to happen. he was too busy talking to his brother, probably about what happened today.

as the boy was just a few metres away techno had noticed what was going to happen, he tried to reach forward and grab tommy but it was too late. the blonde was already running to the boy and had tackled him.

the pinkette jumped into action and grabbed tommy off the boy while his older brother who techno knew to be dream, someone who he had not go along with in the past few years grabbed his younger brother. the two were separated and teachers were spotted heading their way, they all took that as a sign to leave and go their different ways.

they rushed out of the property before anyone could stop them and slowed down their pace once they were out, none of them knew what had happened except techno who only briefly knew about it anyway.

"what was all that about tommy? you're gonna be in so much shit" tubbo hisses at him, he hated it when tommy got into trouble, especially fighting. the blonde did not care though, he was sticking up for a friend.

"he called us that bad f word and was just being awful so i stuck up for both of us, that little thing then was just to make sure he knew what to expect if he ever did anything like that again" he smirked and wilbur smiled at the boy.

the brunette was proud that tommy stood up for what was right and didn't let the boy get away with it. but he knew that this would cause trouble between me, dream and techno, specifically dream and techno.

they were best friends in their earlier years of school but one day they had a huge fight and since then they never spoke again, the only time they spoke was when arguing. they wouldn't speak any other time.

"mr. gibson already phoned home so it doesn't really matter" he shrugs while his eyes fixate onto the small stones that fly across the gravel occasionally "what will your parents say when i get back?" he asked, voice quivering.

"not sure, it'll be fine though" techno reassured him with an unfamiliar sympathetic smirk on his face "dad will probably just be like 'i'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself but there's others ways to do it', he does it all the time" he imitated phil.

"so we won't be leaving?" tommy asked rather surprised, the two olders shook their head and wilbur spoke up "no tommy, we are not going to send either of you back for a fight, never think like that"

the two just nodded although they were still uncertain on wether it was the truth or not. unsurprisingly, their life hadn't been filled with much trust and promises were often broken so when people make 'promises' their brain now immediately dismisses it as a lie.

it wasn't the watsons fault, it wasn't tommy and tubbos fault either. the only thing that is at fault here is the system, it failed the brothers as well as millions of children across the globe. it failed to give them any sense of security, it failed to give them a safe place to stay.

it instead succeeded in making children afraid of what's going to happen to them next, it succeeded in allowing evil people to take in these kids when that had no intention of looking after them. it also succeeded in making children think that the bare minimum is too much and when they do receive it they're still afraid, they don't believe it's going to last forever.

wilbur had done a presentation on the effects the system has on children mentally and physically, he had witnessed it first hand so he knew the damage it caused. although he hadn't seen tubbo and tommys file, he knew that they had been through too much.

he could tell by their faces when they first arrived, the bags under their eyes were as clear as day. he couldn't help but imagine that's what he looked like when he arrived, all he knew was that he wanted them to be safe and have the best chance at life they could.

 he couldn't help but imagine that's what he looked like when he arrived, all he knew was that he wanted them to be safe and have the best chance at life they could

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authors note

bit shorter compared to other
ones but i like this one!!

lmk what you think

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