Part 5 remembering the past

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Sams POV
Ugh. Monday morning. I hate mondays although I don't think anyone particularly loves them. Unless your a psychopath. I felt Colby move. Without Aaron in the house anymore we don't have to hide it we both trust everyone. We just have to be careful around anyone else and in public. I woke up before colby which has been typical now I'm at a healthy weight. I yawn before opening my eyes and looking at him I smile softly feeling a weird sensation in my stomach it felt like a lot of things swimming in my stomach I wonder what this feeling is. I smile and watch him as he's sleeps. He looked so peaceful. His grip around me tighten and I burried my head in his chest not wanting to get up. Our alarm start going off and as usual he sleeps right through it. I giggle to myself and I start to kiss his chin and then his cheek over and over again until his eyes flutter open. A dust of red flushes over his cheeks and he flutters his eyes open he smiles Cutely at me "hmmm" he groaned. I thought it was adorable "our alarm is going off" " I know" he mumbled before I rolled over to turn it off. I rolled back over and his grip tightened more "hmm skip school today" he gumbled although I loved when he first wakes up I don't like laying for long period of times. I chuckle and I kiss his cheek again "I can't I have a few tests today" I said sitting up and he continues to lay down with his eyes shut. "Do you want breakfast " he nods "hmm just eggs and toast please" I smile not knowing how to cook but I'm sure someone will help me I kissed him again before rolling out of the comfort of his arms I stretched and fixed my crooked cat ear and my collar that said Colby I smile before going downstairs and looking at the stove. I try to remember how Colby used to cook for me. Eggs. I go to the fridge before getting out a egg. Why is it hard. I sigh. This is a lot harder than I thought. I get a pan out and put the egg right onto the pan and realize nothing was happening. Alright. I need help. I left it there before going to see if Corey was awake he wasn't. I frowned then I went to the garage where I thought I heard noises "elton?" I said knocking on the door
"Come in!" He said and I walked in. Crica was asleep on the floor and he was on a computer he turned around and looked at me. He smiled lightly and I smiled back "hey Sammy what's up " I feel my face heat up and look down and I grab my tail feeling another strange feeling. "Uh. Can you h-help me " oh cool my studder. whatever this feeling is got stronger. "Of course. What's up " he said stopping what he was doing immediately. "No need to be embarrassed " embarrassed. That's this feeling.
"Uhhhh Colby wants b-breakfast but I d-don't know what to do" he chuckles and yawns. I then noticed the dark circles under his eyes I frown "h-have you slept yet?" He shrugs "it's fine " he said before shoving through me and going to the kitchen I sigh hoping it wasn't my fault he can't sleep and go to the kitchen he chuckles "first off you got to crack the egg silly" I sigh not liking the feeling of being embarrassed. "Hey it's ok. " he said looking at me and smiling. "These things are hard it takes time " I nod and take a breath "what's the shell " he taps it on the outside of the pan and a yellow and white blob came out of it I looked at it confused for a moment why is human food so strange. I continue to play with my tail watching him carefully. I want to learn more Human things. He continued to cook explaining everything to me along the way but it was super hard for me to follow. I sigh feeling frustrated he noticed and he smiles lightly at me before pulling me into a hug and I hug back " it'll be ok you'll get it eventually "
"This human thing just seems like a lot to me. " he nods "understandably so. You were treated like an animal your whole life don't expect to get it all at one time " I nod smiling feeling better elton always knew what to say. "Thank you .." I say my cheeks still red. "Any time " he said handing me a plate "there's some for you also "I nod before running back up stairs. I open Colby's door and he was there on his laptop on his bed he smiles "I thought I smelt something good " I nod still feeling embarrassed I had to ask elton to help me make food for my boyfriend. "Hey what's wrong " he said frowning he must have seen the red on my cheek and I tear up. "I had to ask e-elton to h-help me make f-food I don't like this f-Feeling o-of embarrassed " I say now crying. It brought me back to a time I was with my owner

Flash back
It was cold I was weak. "Take the weak one" I heard him say. I knew he was talking about me. I'm the only weak one in this place I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. I knew something was about to happen. "Hey your going out get cleaned up weakling " I heard her voice say. I nod as she hands me a bunch of stuff. And takes me to a different area an area I've never seen before I look around confused. One thing I've learned is to not ask questions. And just go with it. Because if you do. They'd hurt me. I lay everything out I had no idea what half of this was. I sighed "HURRY" they shouted I jumped and frantically start looking at everything she handed me. I had a weird feeling in my stomach knowing I didn't understand what any of this was. I didn't like this feeling.
Flashback over
At this point I was having a hard time breathing and my hands were shaking
I lost my appetite and Looks at me "are you ok hun?" I shrug
"I honestly don't even understand what's going on"
He nods "it's a panic attack love here take a deep breath" he said taking my hand putting it on his chest "feel the beat of my heart. And try to have yours mimic it" I do as I'm told until my hands stopped shaking and I breath out. Finally calming down I look at the time "shit I'm late" I said not meaning to swear. I grab clothes that were next to me taking my clothes off "why wasn't I paying attention "
"Sam hun it's alright " he said before looking at me realizing I was just in underwear. "Uhhhh" his face was bright red and so was mine "s-sorry" I fumbled before throwing a shirt on. Not realizing it was Colby's. I went to put my pants on and I couldn't seem to get my tail in the whole of my pants "ugh this darn tail!" Said frustrated. "Here let me help" Colby said still red. He comes over as I'm spinning in circles trying to get them on he grabs my wrist and I end up falling on top of his bed and Colby fell with me. He landed on top of me and I look into his blue eyes "uh- s-sorry" his face turned even redder and I had no clue that was even possible. Before I knew it the door swung open "hey are you-MY EYES" Corey was standing in front of us mouth open wide he slaps his hands over his eyes "Corey it's not what it looks like-" Colby tried to explain before Corey took off.
What. Was that about.

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