Part 6 bird and the bees

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Authors note:
Sam is going to have trouble with ptsd as shown by the flashbacks of you struggling or are triggered by readying about it I suggest to just skip that part I will put a flashback warning at the beginning and end of flashback at the end. Thanks :)  also would y'all be interested in a chapter of snc smut in this

I help Sam calm down after having his mini panic attack "shit I'm late" he said me completely forgetting he had school. He's never swore before. And I weirdly found it attractive. He sat up before taking off his pajamas before I knew it I was looking at him in his underwear. I feel my cheeks heating up and I look down "s-sorry" he said putting on the shirt closest to him I went to tell him it was mine but he already had it on. And it looked better on him than me anyway I smile while he tries to put his pants on. He was spinning in circles his tail getting caught I chuckle "here let me help" I said going to grab his wrist before I. Could he falls over landing on my bed and me landing on top him his pants still on the floor. I feel myself blushing even more and he even had the cutest blush on his face. I wanted to kiss him so badly before I could I heard the door swing open "hey are you guys-MY EYES" Corey's scream filled the room. He slaps his hand over his eyes before running out shit I can't let him think Sam and I were doing the nasty Sam doesn't even know what that is oh god is that something I'm going to have to explain "Corey wait it's not what it looks like!" I shout getting off him and running after him I grab Corey's hand and spun him to look at me his hands still over his eyes "look at me "
I groan. This man. Is. Impossible
"COREY" I say again
"My poor innocent eyes"
I rip his hands from his eyes and seen they were still closed I start whining like a two year old "Corey would you just listen to me!"
He said before running off.
"What's sex?" He said walking out with his pants on. Oh god. "THANKS A LOT COREY" I said slapping my head. As I mentally prepare myself for this conversation. "I'll tell you in the car" I said needing prep time to explain to this hybrid what sex was. I literally never hated my life more than I do at this very moment Sam nods grabbing his shoes and bag.and we ran to the car. I wanted to hold his hand but I knew it was probably to risky. He was silent and I was trying to come up with words to say. He looks at me "so. What's this sex thing Corey was talking about?" He said raising his eyebrow. "Uh well.." I said fumbling over my words as I explained the bird and the bees. I glanced at him "ok but what happens when it a man and man or a woman and a woman" he asked I sighed not knowing how to answer. A my parent never told me about that because they don't even know I'm gay and B I've also never had sex with anyone before. I blush even more as we pull up to the school "we'll talk more later ok?" He said before I looked at him he nodded not seeming bothered by it. "Alright have a good day my love"I said again wanting to kiss him he nods "you too" he said fixing his "collar " and walking into the school. I pulled my phone out
To: Corey aka daddy demon
Thanks a lot man I just had to explain sex to Sam.

From daddy demon (Corey)
I though that was already explained this morning 😬

Mentions of sex/ harassment skip if this makes you uncomfortable and or triggered :)

Colby just got done explain what sex is and honestly it makes since. After he explained about it I realized my old owner used to do that in front of me all the time. I'd just watch not understanding what was going on.  I went up to my locker already being a period late. I went to put my code in when I realize I was zoning out

It was cold. I was cold. I looked around and I can't wait to get out of this cage my tail was cramped. I sigh as I heard an familiar voice with an unfamiliar one. I look around hearing a female giggle. She screeched when she looked at me "WHAT IS THAT THING" she hissed and I looked down.
"It's a hybrid. Something I'm working on" I jumped when she yelled  "god your so attractive " she said before laying on the couch and he layed down on top of her...

I heard the bell rang when Jake came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder "I thought you'd never show up. What happened " he said pulling me into a hug I did the same. Smiling enjoying his comfort. After feeling like I just relived my past. "Yea I got caught up in stuff. " I said before Brennan came by "hey blondy. " I blushed and Jake rolled his eyes "ugh loser" Kat said coming up behind Jake "ugh ugly ass"Jake said rolling his eyes
"Hey that was rude I'm not ugly take it back"
"Make me!" He said getting into mats face
"Alright brake it up" Brennan said  getting between them. I roll my eyes I don't know why I'm still friends with kat. She annoys me sometimes I still have a hard time being around her and I don't understand why. I looked over at the hall seeing someone I haven't meant before "who's that"I said pointing at them. They had super short hair that had super faded blue dye in it. I couldn't tell if it was a girl or a boy. They wore a tee shirt and a hot pink skirt with super tall boots. "Oh that's Taylor. They are new here" Brennan said. Im not going to lie. I was A little annoyed I'm no longer the new kid around.
I frown "oh and they go by they/them. Pronouns I think you'd like them Sam" Jake said looking at me "I have English with them and they seemed super chill really shy. A lot like you" he said looking at me I rise an eye and look at them. They looked back at me and smiled I looked down. Not like talking to new people
"Come on Samuel let's go to science "
"See ya later blondey" Brennan said with a wink I blush and walked with Jake. "Who's this Taylor person"
I said looking at Jake and he shrugs taking a seat.  "I only ever had one conversation with them. " I looked up and sure enough they walked in. And sure enough they say right next to me. I look at Jake and I felt my phone go off
From Jake : talk to them!
I shake my head hating the idea of talking to new people.
"So do y'all have mind reading powers or something" they said braking the silence first "uhhh" I looked at Jake for help and he zipped his lips throwing the key away and shrugging his shoulders. I sigh looking at them feeling the same feeling I felt with Colby this morning. They also had black cat ears and a black tail. Oh great. A black hybrid. That means bad luck. They had a small heart collar but I couldn't read it. "N-nope they make these s-super helpful t-tools called p-phones " I said pulling mine out they look at me and raises an eyebrow.
"Your studder is cute don't get rid of it" they looked at my name tag "Colby. Your owner?" I blush at his name and nod. "You probably shouldn't blush when you hear his name. People are going to know your dating and you'll get thrown out". My eyes open wide "shhh can you not say that so loud!" I mumbled as I looked at Jake who's eyes were wide. "Your the one that can read minds!"
They chuckle and kick their feet up on the desk "I just got really good at reading people " 
"Jake shush. I thought your lips were zipped "
"Oh look the key" he said pretending to hold keys.
They chuckled "he's funny" I rolled my eyes
"D-don't give him that p-power" the bell rang and class started.

my risky love. //SOLBY hybrid. SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now