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Summary:Jj has a crush and his friends tease him about it


It was normal Wednesday afternoon in the paradise known as outer banks. Me and the pogues had just got back from an early morning boat ride on the HMS Pogue.

"Well I'm starving"I declared

"Your always hungry jj"pope says

All the pogues laughed; I sended a glare towards pope.

"I feel ganged up on"I pouted

"I heard there was a new cafe opening not far from here it sounds really cool"Kie suggests

"Kie I am not going to a cafe"I sass back

"Y/n will be there"Kie shoots back wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I roll my eyes and look away so no one sees the pink pigment that has risen on my cheeks just at the thought of the perfect girl.

"Who's  y/n"John b questions

"Jj's crush" me and kie say at the same time

"Y/n is a girl in jj's biology class that he is too scared to ask on a date"Kie continued

"Jj scared never thought I would hear those two words in the same sentence " Sarah reply's

"Uhhhh Can we just go to the cafe now" I say with an annoyed tone

"Thought you didn't want to go jj"kie announces raising her eyebrow

"Shut up"I mumble sending a glare


Me and the pogues arrive and the small pink building with a sign that says cafe in big white letters.We enter the cafe and sit down at a table, I scan the room looking for the beautiful girl; I slightly frown at being able to see the girl that kie said would be here.
"Disappointed you don't see you can't see your girlfriend jj"John b teases

"Cheer up jj"Pope chimes looking at the menu intensely

"You guys better not embarrass me"I growl

"Hey guys!.. hi jj"Y/n smiled her angelic voice surrounding me like sweet music.

Oh no

"H-hi  y/n" I stuttered
I look down at the menu to try to avoid her stare.

"Excuse his behaviour y/n he is just not used to talking to pretty girls"Sarah chuckled which led to y/n laughing a little too it was the most amazing thing I heard.

"Sarahhhh"I whined

This couldn't get anymore embarrassing.

"Yeah y/n, jj was just really excited to see you"John b added

You know how I said it couldn't get anymore embarrassing, It just did.

"Well I'm very excited to see you too jj"y/n stated

"Really"I uttered all I got from her was a small giggle
which always made me smile without doubt.

"Well I would love to chat but I have to do my job before I get fired so what would you like to order"she mentioned

Everyone said what they wanted order however I was to busy looking at her radiant skin and her soft luscious hair as well as her pink lips that I would gladly-

"Jj what about you"y/n asks
I quickly look away


"What you you like to order hun"y/n repeats
My face turns red like a tomato at the nickname

"Oh um I will just get what John b is having "I awnser

"Ok that will be coming right up cya guys soon"she reply's her voice full of joy

"What on earth was that jj"kie laughs

"I know I'm an idiot you don't have to rub it in"I scold

Y/n comes back with all our food.

"Enjoy guys"she beams and then turns around to get back to work.

"Uhhh i wish I could talk to her like a normal person"I muttered

"Don't worry jj you will get there bro" Pope claims

"Yeah In like a million years"I groan covering my face with my hands out of frustration.

Some time passes and we were all done we left the money on the table and got up and left.I was halfway out the door before I turn around to see if y/n was there and to my surprise she was already looking at me when we locked eyes I felt something magical it was a warm feeling and I'm sure she felt it too; what she did next surprised me, she winked at me and then went on to serve the next table.

"Jj you comin"Pope shouts
I headed out of the cafe door to join the other pogues in the Twinkie.

When I looked at her I felt something I never felt. Love.

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