Stranger Danger

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A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying Legless, But Alive so far! I know this chapter was a few days delayed, but I really think it's worth the wait! Let me know what you think down in the comments. :)

Everyone seemed to be busy. The courtyard was bustling with all the kids zipping this way and that, carrying supplies or chatting.  It was clear that some anxiety was setting in. Omar and Aasim had flipped over three picnic tables, reminiscent of the setup to defend the school previously. It wasn't nearly as much defense, but she guessed it was enough to put their minds at ease. At the gate, Willy stood lookout, bow in hand. Ruby sat at a nearby table with AJ: helping him pack his bag. The tension was clear between all of them. Clementine tried to convince herself that nothing could go wrong. Was that entirely true? She stepped over to Louis, who was observing the map casually. Since the day before, a dotted line had been added. It marked the path that the Vi, Aasim, and AJ would take relatively soon. Lou waved to Clementine. "Hey." She realized her tone came across far more depressed than she had intended. Louis raised an eyebrow. Clem shrugged him off. "I'm fine." He rolled up the map, sighing, and gestured to AJ. She nodded and the two walked over.
    Violet had walked off at some point to go chat with Aasim, both of which stood in front of the wreckage parallel to the graveyard. As they approached AJ, he smiled, and jumped up to snatch the map. "Thanks Lou!" He laughed. "Slow down there, lil' guy!" Ruby replied, chuckling. "I just really wanna get going!" Clem smiled and patted his head. "You will, as soon as Violet and Aasim are ready." He frowned. "Well, they should hurry. He said we have to be there and back before dark! And on the way we have to check the traps, and there might be walkers-" She nodded, stopping him and sat down at the table next to Ruby, resting her crutches beside her. She looked into his eyes and put a hand on his shoulder. Was this really excitement? Or was he just deflecting worry? "Everything's gonna be fine. Just be smart." He crossed his arms over his chest and frowned. "I know, Clem." She smiled. God, he had grown up so fast. "Don't forget-" He cut her off, rolling his eyes and smiling. "The rules! I know." It looked like he didn't need her after all.
    The group made meaningless smalltalk as they waited for the two missing kids, Louis chiming in with a thumbs up or down every here and there. They were running right on schedule. The sun was directly over their heads, the light bearing down on them. After at least twenty minutes of mysterious discussion from the two in the distance, they finally approached the rest of their friends. Vi had a slightly pissed off look painted across her face. Aasim seemed unphased. "Ready when you guys are." He looked down at AJ. "The hat looks good on you, man." He said, giving him a pat on the head. AJ smiled. "Violet said I get to be your.. Uh.." He looked back to her. She was staring at the ground, but upon noticing his gaze snapped back to reality. "Oh! Night in shining fuckin' armor." She smirked, and AJ giggled. "Yeah, that!" Aasim rolled his eyes. "Isn't it a bit young to teach him to be a pain in the ass? We already got Louis." Louis put a hand to his heart dramatically. "I, for one, find him to be delightful!" Ruby said, pulling AJ closer. Clementine chuckled. "Paws off my kid!" Omar interrupted the engagement, handing Aasim an empty duffle bag. "If there's anything in the traps." He nodded in return. The tone quickly changed. Right, they were going out on a dangerous pursuit of possibly viscous individuals, Clem reminded herself. No time for fun.
     Willy shouted down from lookout to them. "You guys should get goin soon, looks clear!" She nodded, pursing her lips together, deep in thought. She looked around at the supplies that the group was taking. An empty duffle, a bag for AJ with a canteen of water, and weaponry. They refused to overpack just in case they had to make a quick escape and abandon the supply. Violet had her familiar cleaver at her side, bow across her back. Aasim wielded a random blade. Everyone had agreed that he would do most of the talking, accompanied by AJ. They were less likely to be hurt if there was a child. Still, AJ tucked away his pistol: equipped with three bullets. These people weren't monsters, but better safe than sorry. Violet reluctantly agreed to hang back in the brush of trees in case things went south. She thought back to her first encounter with Lily. If Violet and Louis weren't there, that could've gone much worse. It was comforting to know that AJ would be somewhat safe with her watching over him.
    Everyone got up to send the group off. Clem tried to bury her nerves, and AJ gave her a running hug. "I'll protect everyone!" He smiled, and she couldn't help but smile back. "I know you will." Violet came up behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist, kissing her cheek. "Everything will be fine. We'll be back soon." Clem sighed, and turned and gave her a kiss on the lips. "You better be right." She nodded. "I'm always right." At least Vi was keeping it light. Aasim rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's go!" The three approached the gate. Aasim gave Ruby a hug and was already on his way, not wasting any time.

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