Chapter 0: A Brief Introduction

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Hello. This story is spoken in a 3rd-person view. Despite that, their is a narrator. And that would be me, you can simply call me The Narrator. In this story, whenever anyone speaks, a distinction will be made for each person when they begin to speak, excluding myself, of course. And, as for outside information, there is no main character. Instead, the entire class of U.A.'s 1-A hero course will be seen as the protagonist. You may choose favorites, I know I have, but all of them will see their own spotlights be shined. And due to the spread ownership of following, the entry exams will be skipped from a narrative standpoint. It would simply be too much to retell everyone' experience. Instead, we will be starting with 2 1-A students in the hallway of U.A. on their first day of school. These 2 have been friends since they were merely toddlers. Please enjoy your time reading, and remember to go beyond, Plus Ultra!

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