Chapter 7: After the Appointment

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Yolanda: Would you like something to eat?
Elliana: No, I'm not hungry. Mum, I can't help it if I'm not hungry.
Yolanda: I didn't say anything. I'm too tired to say anything. You can do what you like.
Elliana: Can I go out? Okay...I'll go upstairs.
Yolanda: She's been quite quiet since she came out of the appointment.
Hunter: Yeah well it's probably still syncing in.with all the repercussions.
Yolanda: Would you like to see the picture?
Hunter: No thanks, I saw it on the monitor.
Yolanda's pov: Looks at the photo and starts crying.
Hunter: Yolanda, hey It'll be okay.
Yolanda: Elliana, hardly looked up at the scan. She just isn't taking this in.
Hunter: She will soon. She will also get used to it.
Yolanda: I don't want anyone knowing about this Hunter, we just have to keep her in and we all need to stick together. Because I know what people will think, and I also know how they will look at us.
Hunter: Yolanda, you're not thinking straight are you? .
Yolanda: Do you blame me? It's my daughter, who's having the baby.
Hunter: Yolanda, look at me, just look at me. Elliana is lucky, she's lucky to have you for a mother. There are many parents out there that would throw their children out just as a second thought, but you haven't done that so she's lucky.
Yolanda: I know things haven't been good between us, but we are together on this aren't we?
Hunter: Yes, of course we are.
Yolanda: Cause we are all relying on you.
Hunter: I know you are.
Yolanda: Please tell me it's all gonna be alright. Tell me we will all get through it.
Hunter: Hey, of course we'll get through it.
Elliana's pov: Comes downstairs, and looks at the scan photos for a while then starts to read a magazine.
Elliana: This is just rubbish.
Elliana pov: Throws it down on the table.
Yolanda: Maybe you're growing out of it, you're going to have to do a lot of growing up very quickly now.
Elliana: Mum.
Yolanda: Alright. I'm not going to have a go at ya, i just need to talk to you as you're growing into a woman.
Elliana: It's gonna hurt isn't it? Meaning having a baby is gonna hurt me alot.
Yolanda: More than you can imagine. In more ways than what you can think of.
Elliana: I've seen things on the telly. I mean we have done things like that in school but it looks awful.
Yolanda: But it's wonderful as well. Also when the time comes we'll be there with you.
Elliana: I'm not a slag you know.
Yolanda: I know you're not, sweetie.
Elliana: It just happened, i mean one minute we were just messing around, having a laugh and then...
Yolanda: One thing went to another.
Elliana: Yeah.
Yolanda: Did he ask you? Did you want to have sex with him?
Elliana: I just wanted to know what it would feel like. I mean neither of us really had an idea what we were supposed to be doing, but it was just a lot of fiddling and fumbling and just felt special and I certainly didn't feel special. And I also didn't think he did it right, but he must off, musten he mum?
Yolanda: ohhh ellie, did'nt you realise you had your whole life ahead of you to find out what sex with a boy felt like.
Elliana: I still have got the rest of my life.
Yolanda: But with a baby ellie. With a baby. It changes everything. You'll have to put your baby first before everything you do.
Elliana: You will be there won't you mum?
Yolanda: Yes i will but you will be the main career, but i'll help you.
Elliana: Yeah, I know mum.
Yolanda: And another life depends on you ellie. It's a big responsibility for anyone let alone a girl of 13.

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