Chapter 24: feeling the baby kick for the first time

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Yolanda's pov: The next day, i had to go to work and elliana came along, because she didn't wanna be home alone. Then about an hour later I was standing around doing my work, when our neighbour Allison came over. She asked if she could talk to ellie.
Allison: So you don't mind if I ask her, if she wants to talk?
Yolanda: No, of course not. I'd be grateful.
Allison: Here goes, then.
Allison's pov: Heads to where Ellie is sitting.
Allison: Um...can I sit here?
Elliana: Yeah, sure.
Allison: Ummm... I gather that we go to the same maternity clinic and not only that, we are due about the same time, so I thought you would understand what I'm feeling.
Elliana: What are you feeling...that's just crazy. Even for you.
Allison: You know, scared. Not all the time but sometimes when I think about it, yeah I am. 
Elliana: Suppose I am, but only sometimes. I don't get why it matters to you.
Allison: Well perhaps we could stick together, you know cheer one and another up. Might even let us have appointments at the same time, I know it would help me having someone to talk to.
Ellina: You have a husband, that you are married to. So talk to him. Mum, are you nearly finished? I wanna go home!!!!
Elliana's pov: Me and mum, head back home and we have dinner then go to sleep. The next morning I was laying on the sofa playing on his phone.
Yolanda: Shouldn't let your dad see you playing with that, it's for work.
Elliana: Jules, has got one like this. It's well easy to use, even you could work on it.
Yolanda: Oh, thanks a bunch.
Hunter's pov: Comes down the stairs and sees Ellie on my phone so i snatch it off her.
Hunter: Uh...that's mine, thank you.
Elliana: I was playing with that.
Hunter: Well it's not a plaything.
Elliana: Yes, so why do they put games on them then?
Hunter: I don't care. How do I get rid of this now?
Elliana: Just press the c button.
Hunter: Urgh...i got the address book now.
Elliana: Oh just give it here and i'll fix it.
Hunter: No! I can do it, okay. Right, I've done it. Now leave it alone will you, this is for the hospital.
Elliana: Can I have one?
Both: No!
Elliana: What, why not everyone at school has them?
Hunter: Well just think, it'll make you feel different. Than everyone else.
Elliana: What about when the baby is due, I might need one then?
Hunter: No, you won't.
Elliana: How do you know? And besides I thought you would want me to have one?
Hunter: So we will think about it later on. Unless you can find your own way to pay for it.
Elliana: Ok.
Elliana's pov: Later that evening after school, sophia comes over.
Sophia: I'm not doing my homework, it's Friday night. Lizzy's party is tomorrow, are you gonna go?
Elliana: No.
Sophia: Have you even asked?
Elliana: No, there's no point as I know what they are going to say.
Sophia: Well, you don't know unless you try.
Elliana: Well, they don't want me even going out, let alone going to parties.
Sophia: Well, you're already pregnant. What else could happen?
Elliana: I dunno if I wanna go anyways.
Sophia: Her brother was gonna get us some cider.
Elliana: Cider?
Sophia: Yeah.
Elliana: You don't even like it. Let alone drink it.
Sophia: Yeah, I do. I like it with bbq flavoured crisps.
Elliana: your pregnant so you can't even drink it.
Sophia: Oh yeah, I forgot.
Elliana's pov: Feels a sharp pain and i dunno what it is.
Elliana: Ahh!
Sophia: What's up?
Elliana: I dunno.
Sophia: I'm getting you mum.
Sophia's pov: I head downstairs to where Yolanda is and she comes back into the room with me.
Yolanda: What is it? What's all the panic about?
Sophia: She said it hurts.
Yolanda: You alright?
Elliana: I felt funny.
Yolanda: Funny, how?
Elliana: I dunno like something moved.
Yolanda's pov: Places my hand on Ellie's tummy.
Yolanda: Right here?
Elliana: Yes.
Yolanda's pov: Feels a little kick against my hand when I touches it.
Yolanda: Like a little kick?
Elliana: Wait, a second. The baby kicked?
Yolanda: Yes.
Sophia: That's a relief, I thought she was going to have it in here then.
Yolanda: You'll experience it too, eventually. But, Ellie, there's nothing to worry about. It's perfectly normal.
Elliana: I mean I have felt flutters before but I have never felt anything like that.
Yolanda: Well, the baby has been cooped up in there for months, so it's stretching its legs.
Elliana's pov: We, both Feel it again.
Yolanda: It's saying hello.
Elliana: It did it again.
Sophia: Can I have a go?
Elliana: Yeah, come here.
Elliana's pov: Places Sophia's hand where the baby is kicking.
Sophia: Oh, just my luck. It's probably having a kip now.
Sophia's pov: Then out of know where i felt it, kicking.
Elliana: Did you feel it?
Sophia: Yeah, feels creepy. Doesn't it feel weird though?
Elliana: Not now, as I know what it is.
Yolanda: And it's not creepy, it's perfectly normal.
Elliana's pov: Sophia was laying on my tummy.
Sophia: I can hear gurgling.
Elliana: Probably that pop. you know if you keep your ear there, much longer you might get a right kick.
Sophia: Move and give all the kicking to your mum.
Elliana: Get lost. I will say that to yours when it starts kicking. And what if it's a girl?
Sophia: Britney then isn't it.
Elliana: Britney walmsley.
Sophia: Yeah, I suppose.
Elliana: Scary walmsley.
Sophia: Pat walmsley.
Elliana: Well they aren't bad. But I bet they won't let me. Also don't forget to call around tomorrow morning before the drama.
Sophia: I won't but you better be ready as I'm not gonna wait for you. As I wanna see what they cast me as.
Elliana: I'll be up. Anyway, there's no big rush for me to get ready.
Sophia: Don't be so miserable you'll get something, and that's why they are greasing as there are millions of parts.
Elliana: Oh right , thanks. The only way I'm gonna get a part is if we are going to do a nativity play.

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