Chapter 16: Should we tell people? A Master plan is formed

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Elliana's pov: We all go and have our dinner and then we all go and chat in my room without lev.
Yolanda: Elliana, we have made a decision.
Elliana: What decision?
Hunter: Well you were right. I think we should tell people, your grandma for one.
Elliana: No please don't tell her, i don't want her to know.
Yolanda: She has to.
Hunter: So do some other people.
Elliana: I don't want to tell anyone.
Hunter: Well they've got to. Well we've got to.
Elliana: No, doctor Wilson told me that I don't have to say anything to anyone, she said you can't force me into anything.
Yolanda: She also said that you're going to give birth. So In a few months time those babies are going to be born, no matter what any of us want.
Elliana: I don't care.
Yolanda: So people have to know. Haven't they?
Elliana: Yeah, I guess so. But I really don't want them to.
Hunter: I know but they need to. So I think maybe we should ring the head teacher first and make an appointment to see her.
Elliana: You're gonna tell the school?
Hunter: Well, I think they need to know what the situation is.
Elliana: No they don't. Mum?
Hunter: Of course they do, Ellie. Cause you could get ill in school or have an accident in the gym or trip up on your way to class. So anything could happen and they will need to know how to deal with you in this situation.
Elliana: No they don't, I could do my lessons here. And stay at home.
Yolanda: You can't love. It's not possible as both me and your dad are working. So you know you can't.
Elliana: I can though.
Hunter: Look, we are going to take you to the school tomorrow. There's no need to tell your friends but the teachers need to know. But we have made our decision and it's for the best, ellie.
Hunter's Pov: Making lunch for everyone.
Yolanda: There's plenty of cheap flights to canada before easter.
Hunter: Ahh, yeah. Like what? Children with babies go half price? Only because of the money issue.
Yolanda: It is if i don't know what i'm gonna do for an income next month.
Hunter: yeah i wonder if she realises that her whole entire family life is going down, because of one little thumble.
Yolanda: But regardless of that this business is gonna take every penny we've got, so we better start making some proper plans. We've gotta start looking forwards Hunter not backwards.
Hunter: Yeah, right over the edge of a big cliff.
Yolanda: Also losing your temper is going to do any good.
Hunter: Yeah, well the whole thing is knocking me sick it is.
Yolanda: Hunter!
Elliana: Mum, I don't feel very well.
Hunter: Ohh, what's up with you now?
Yolanda: Pack it in will ya. Do you talk to people like that at work?
Elliana: I've been sick.
Hunter: Yeah, well you better stop at home then won't ya.
Elliana: Nah, i'll be alright in a min. Sorry.
Yolanda: Ellie, I've spoken to Rita about packing in your paper round.
Elliana: You didn't tell her, did ya?
Yolnada: I just said that you needed some more time for your school work. She was fine about it.
Hunter: Yeah, someone else we got to lie to on your behalf.
Yolanda: if you feel better later on, we'll go into town and do a bit of shopping.
Hunter: You what!
Yolanda: Well, she's gonna be needing some more clothes. Go back to bed for an hour love.
Elliana: Okay, mum.
Elliana's pov: Later on in the day me and my parents all go into the living room to talk.
Elliana: Okay, what's going on?
Hunter: Don't look so nervous. Your mother has come up with a plan. In design to give you your life back.
Yolanda: Not just me, Hunter is in favour too.
Elliana: Yes, so what is it? And what do you mean by giving me my life back?
Yolanda: When a girl your age has a baby, her teenage years just go out the window. And she's just tied to a house with a baby. That'll need changing, feeding and looking after 24 hours a day.
Elliana: Yeah, I know all that. But it's too late now isn't it? Could I really have it?
Yolanda: Not if I have it for you. The idea is before anyone else around her finds out you're pregnant, we go to canada.
Hunter: Except me. I stay over here and earn a living.
Yolanda: You, me and Lev, will go to canada. You'll have the babies and then we will come back, but then they'll be mine. Cause then they will think that i'm the one who's given birth, we'll bring it up here as mine and Hunter's . And you will then be able to get on with your life, like it was before.
Hunter: So what do you think?

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