Chapter 6: Why isn't Ellie going to school?

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Elliana's pov: The next morning I wake up early and go to have my breakfast before my mum moans at me again for not eating and I just sit and watch some telly for a bit.
Lev: Why isn't she going to school?
Elliana: Cause i'm going to the hospital.
Lev: Wait, What is she going to the hospital for?
Yolanda: She's just going for a check up.
Lev: That's a shame, I was hoping it was actually something serious.
Elliana: Wow, thanks. Such a caring twin brother.
Yolanda: Lev, seriously. It's not the time for that.
Hunter: Your lift is here mate.
Yolanda: Don't forget your lunch box.
Lev's pov: I heads out the door.
Lev: If you die i'm having your room.
Lev's pov: And gets into the car for my lift to school.
Yolanda: Go on you'll be late.
Lev's Pov: Leaves for school.
Elliana: Why didn't you tell him?
Yolanda: Because, until we all decide what to do, we aren't telling anyone.
Hunter: Okay I have a day off from the hospital, your appointment at the maternity clinic is at half 11 and Roy reccons you have that nastyflu bug that's going on. Now is that it? Cause i'm getting a sore ear.
Yolanda: Hunter, This isn't a time for jokes.
Hunter: Well we can't carry on like it's the end of the world either can we.
Yolanda: Well it's the end of elliana's world.
Elliana: Ummm...excuse me. Can we please stop talking about me like I'm not sitting right here. Cause that's kinda a rude thing to do, especially when I'm right here.
Hunter: Look, I'm sorry. But it's just a shock that's for sure. Do you know what I haven't seen for ages?
Elliana: what?
Hunter: Your lovely smile.
Elliana: I have been smiling.
Hunter: Come on, give us one.
Elliana's pov: Smiles.
Elliana: Is that better?
Hunter: Sure is. But look there is nothing we can do about what's already happened but that's done. But we can help you from now on, but you really have got to let us.
Elliana: yeah.
Hunter: Okay? Now there are lots of things that are going to be happening, starting today with the scan. There are going to be loads of people telling you to do this and now to do that, but don't be frightened okay. Cause we are going to look after you. Aren't we?
Yolanda: Yes we are. 
Hunter: We are just gonna make sure that everything is okay.
Elliana: Okay.
Hunter: Alright.
Yolanda: Go and get dressed sweetie.
Elliana: okay.
Hunter: Make sure you drink loads of water cause it helps you with the ultrasound scan cause we may as well get a good look at our first grandchild.
Yolanda: I forgot to tell ya one detail last night. She's having twins. The doctor could feel two.
Hunter: wow, Okay. That's okay, just need to get that locked into my mind.
Elliana's pov: We all head to the ultrasound appointment and afterwards we come back home. And I stayed quite half the time as I was scared.

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