Chapter 26: Thinking about what Jentzen said

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Elliana's pov: After I left the school I went back home as she was really busy. So I went upstairs and lay in my bed thinking about what Jentzen said to me in the hall. In all fairness I do still really like him, but I bet my parents will kill me for talking to him or even giving him the time of day. But I do know that him being involved is the right thing to do. And to be honest who knows we might actually get back together again. It was getting late so I went to sleep. And then the next morning I woke up and got ready for school as they had another rehearsal and so I met with Sophia. And we left with my mum slowly behind me.
Sophia: Even if you're not in the play, you can still have a laugh.
Elliana: Doing what?
Sophia: Being the stage manager. Can't she?
Yolanda: Yes, of course you can.
Elliana: I know. But I'm not bothered.
Yolanda: Oh so why the long face?
Elliana: I'll tell ya later.
Sophia: Plus none of the other kids are even gonna bother so you'll be running off your feet.
Elliana: Umm...there will be no running.
Yolanda: Well it's all about organisation isn't it? So you'll be in charge of props and costumes.
Sophia: Well yes and no one will be able to go on stage unless you say so.
Yolanda: Yep, you'll hold the whole thing together.
Elliana: Yeah, because I'm the most important there. So come on, let's head to school.
Sophia: Do you wanna go to the shop?
Elliana: Yeah, alright. See ya later mum.
Elliana's pov: Heads into the shop. We bought some crisps and then tried to enjoy the rest of our Sunday.
Sophia: Sooo...what if the baby looks like Jentzen?
Elliana: I'll give it to him. I'm only joking. I'll keep it.
Sophia: That'll shut him up.
Elliana: Why are you so mad at him? He apologised to me yesterday. And we are gonna try and work something out. Also I do know that a lot of kids do look like their father. But I really don't care as long as they are healthy.
Sophia: Well, they will look like their father. I mean we did it in biology.
Elliana: Right, well I'm going home so I'll see ya.
Sophia: Do you not wanna listen to some cds before your mum gets back?
Elliana: Uh, no I'll see ya tomorrow.
Sophia: K.
Elliana's pov: Heads back inside and watches some tv.
Yolanda's pov: Comes and sits next to Ellie.
Yolanda: Well, I had a visitor today at work.
Elliana: Who was it?
Yolanda: Jentzen Ramirez dad.
Elliana: What did he want?
Yolanda: To do the right thing.
Elliana: Oh you don't mean that he's been gibbing off to his dad. Do ya?
Yolanda: I don't think it was quite like that.
Elliana: Oh so what does this mean? More people asking me questions. I am literally sick to death of having to explain myself to everyone.
Yolanda: You don't have to talk to anyone that you don't want to.
Elliana: Yeah but mum, it's nothing to do with anyone else as it's my babies.
Yolanda: I know. Also what did you wanna tell me earlier.
Elliana: I spoke to Jentzen Yesterday at school. And he apologised to me about what happened. And how he wants to be involved and he wants us to try and be co-parents.
Yolanda: Oh I see, maybe that's why he came to talk to me earlier.
Elliana: Maybe.
Yolanda: So are you both dating?
Elliana: I mean I do like him that way, but I'm not sure. It's just hard to talk to him because I can message him.
Yolanda: Okayyy. Well, maybe this might help.
Yolanda's pov: Goes into my bag and pulls out a new iPhone for Ellie and hands it to her.
Elliana: Are you being serious? I thought you said that I couldn't have a phone.
Yolanda: Well I didn't buy it. Jentzen's dad did, so that you could work things out with him.
Elliana: Really wow.
Yolanda: Well, he gave me the money and I set up a contract in my name.
Elliana: Thanks. I'm gonna go up to my room and relax.
Yolanda: Okay, I'll call ya when dinner is ready.
Elliana's pov: After dinner I went up to my room and I decided to call Jentzen and he answered.
Elliana: Hey!
Jentzen: Hello, did you like the present?
Elliana: Yep I do.
Jentzen: That's good.
Elliana: So how was your day?
Jentzen: It was good, thank you.
Elliana: You're welcome.
Jentzen: How was yours?
Elliana: It was alright.
Jentzen: That's good. So what's happening with us?
Elliana: I dunno.
Jentzen: Would you like to give us another go?
Elliana: Of course.
Elliana: Well I'm gonna go to sleep now so I'll speak to you later.
Jentzen: Yep, same here. Love ya💞
Elliana: Love ya 2💞

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