Chapter 15: Visit from Gran

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Elliana's pov: The next day right before lunch my gran pops in for a quick chat with my mum.
Bella: I dunno Yolanda, you know I don't say things unless they aren't true do i?
Yolanda: No.
Bella: she just doesn't want to hear it at all. So someone has to put her right.
Yolanda: Yep i agree.
Bella: Ohhh, let this be a lesson to you, ellie. Men, they just can't be trusted. They are only out for what they can get.
Yolanda: Mam!
Bella: What?
Lev's pov: Comes downstairs all ready to go out with my dad.
Hunter: Ahhh, at last. Well we better be off then. So see ya later bella.
Bella: Ah, lev aren't you gonna give your gran a hug before you go?
Lev: nope, as i don't like hugs.
Bella: Well you won't be very popular when you get older then, as every girl likes a hug now and again. It's a good job we don't take any notice of them huh, ellie.
Elliana: Yep, I guess so.
Yolanda's pov: sighs.
Bella: Now what? 
Hunter: Right, we'll be there for about an hour or so. Okay?
Yolanda: be as long as you like, as lev needs the fresh air.
Hunter: Yeah, so do i. Come on then. See you. Bye.
Yolanda: Bye.
Bella: Ain't it lovely how close they are getting, with how much they are growing up. Do you remember the time when all he would talk about is Thomas the tank engine.
Yolanda: Yes I do.
Bella: And you are so lovely. Won't be long until all the boys are running after you.
Yolanda: mum, just pack it in will you.
Bella: Now what have I said?
Yolanda: Don't worry about it.
Bella: Okay, I better be off see you all later.
Elliana: Bye.
Hunter's pov: comes home an hour and a half later
Hunter: Right Ellie can you give ya a hand with this.
Elliana: Gran was here for ages.
Hunter: Was she?
Elliana: Well you could've told her about me, so why didn't you?
Yolanda: It just wasn't the right time.
Elliana: So are you going to wait until she finds out?
Yolanda: No.
Elliana: Well, she's gonna see it in the pram soon.
Yolanda: Well there are things we need to talk about before then.
Hunter: Yeah, so. Anyways let's have our dinner. Can you go and get lev.
Elliana: Yep will do.

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