Day 1

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(Y/n and Ayano POV)

(Okay before we begin, I have something to say, all the female rivals are bisexual so Ayano will have to eliminate all the rivals like for Taro Yamada, oh, and some of the lines in here are from the real game and Taro is a rival but Ayano doesn't know that so one rival is a boy so I hope that doesn't bother you for the fact that this story is lesbian and straight and other stuff in here.)

(Ayano POV)

I went up behind a bush to pick up on Senpai's and Osana's conversion. It was, a little loud when Osana yelled.

(Y/n POV)

"Ugh! You can be such a pain Senpai!" Osana yelled.

"I'm sorry..." I said in a soft tone.

"I can't believe you over slept again! It's just like back in middle school!" she said in an angry tone.

"I'm sorry..." I said again in a soft tone.

"I'm not your personal alarm clock, you know! You just rely on me to wake you up every day!"

"I'm sorry...if it bothers you so much, maybe we should stop walking to school together." I said in a little sad tone.

"'s not what I..." she said then paused for a bit.

"...just forget it, okay?!" she said angrily.

"ANYway, I want you to meet me on the school rooftop at lunch time. Got it?" she said.

"Huh? Why?" I asked.

"Stop being so difficult!" she demanded.

"Just be there alright?" she asked.

"And don't keep me waiting!" she said.

"Okay, okay! I'll be there." I answered.

"Good!" she said happily.

I went inside the school. I took off my shoes and put on my school shoes like everyone else. Then I went to the fountain and sat with my twin brother, Taro. I was listening to music while he was reading a book.

(Ayano POV)

After the conversation ended, I went over and followed Osana to pick up on Osana's and Raibaru's conversation.

"Um...Osana...don't you think you were a bit...harsh?" Raibaru asked.

"I know...I feel so bad about it...but, I didn't do it on purpose! It just...happened..." she said in a little sad tone.

"Every time I think she's about to realize how I feel about her, I get afraid she'll reject me..." she said in a sad tone again.

"It makes me feel so scared...I start saying stuff to make her think I don't like her!" she exclaimed.

"Why do I have to be this way...?" she asked.

"Why can't I just be honest with her?" she asked again.

"Don't beat yourself up over it, Osana." Raibaru said in a soft tone

"It'll be okay!" she exclaimed trying to cheer up Osana.

"Everything is going to work out fine." she exclaimed again.

"I sure hope so," Osana said under her breath.

When they were done talking, I went inside the school into the classroom to see what Osana was up to.

"Is this a bad idea?" Osana asked Raibaru.

"Maybe I shouldn't do this...what if she doesn't like it...?" she asked her again.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's going to love it!" Raibaru exclaimed.

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