Week 2 Day 1

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(Ayano and Y/n POV)

(Ayano POV)

I can't believe that another girl tries to take my Senpai away from me. But I should thank Info~Chan for telling me. If she didn't tell me, I would have to find it out myself. This Amai girl looks like bad news. I need to get rid of her. And I know how to make it in vain. It will be fun. Info~Chan might not be surprised like she was last time. I'll maybe give her some panty shots for Info Points. Besides, I might need the Info Points for later. Now come to think of it, why does she need panty shots?

(The reason is according to the lore, "The most common way to get points is by taking panty shots for Info~Chan to sell. In the game's original intro, Info~Chan claims that she only takes payment in the form of panty shots. She wants panty shots, as boys (and some girls) of Akademi will pay her for them; it's her form of currency." so that's why.)

"I should be thankful for Info~Chan to tell me about this girl," I said to myself.

I thought about how I'm gonna get rid of her. I knew what to do.

I'm going to kill her. I'll make it hurt.

I put on my uniform then I ate breakfast. I headed out the door to school. On the way, I found my Senpai walking with Taro. I thought about following her and stalking her. Yes I should, I mean she is my Senpai. I took a quick photo of her.

(Y/n POV)

Amai is a good person. I would like to become best friends with her maybe.

I walked out the door with Taro. We were talking about something. Then I stopped, thinking that we were being followed by someone.

(Ayano POV)

Why did she stop? Is she about to turn around?!

I hid behind a wall that was near her. Then she turned around

(Y/n POV)

"Y/n?" Taro asked me tapping on my shoulder, "What's wrong?"

I turned around to see that no one was there. Then I turned back to Taro.

"Oh! Uh, sorry, I thought someone was following us for a second." I said.

"Okay, I look behind us at certain times to make sure." Taro exclaimed.

"Good idea!" I said.

We continued walking to school.

(Ayano POV)

Phew! I almost got caught. Good thing I didn't.

I looked at the picture I took of my Senpai.

She looks so cute!

(Y/n POV)

I swear someone was following us. I felt it. Someone had to be following us!

"Y/n? Are you still thinking about someone following us?" Taro asked.

"Yeah kinda," I answered, "I felt someone following us and, I'm not sure about it, and I know someone was following us, I felt it in my soul."

"If you have one." Taro said teasing me.

I punched his arm.

"I was just joking around," he chuckled.

(Ayano POV)

I looked to see Y/n punching Taro's arm.

Heh, siblings.

I continued following them. Taking some pictures of my Senpai. Then I stopped.

You're Mine Now~ Ayano Aishi X Fem! Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now