Week 11 Day 5

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(Ayano, Y/n, 3rd person, POV)

Author's note: I made this part up. There not from the real game.

(Ayano POV)

Eleven weeks have passed. I'm starting to gather enough courage to confess to my Senpai. I will tell her how I feel. And all the thoughts I've been having. And besides, every week I've been giving her gifts and love letters. I have been watching her every reaction to them. She seemed to enjoy them. Y/n, my sweet Y/n. I will make you love me, Senpai.

(Y/n POV)

As the weeks passed. Many people have been found dead. I've been finding out that those people liked me. But, they all are dead. I have a feeling that Ayano might have a crush on me. If she does, I hope she doesn't die next. I'm starting to catch feelings for her. I'll just head along to school.

(3rd person POV)

The two girls went to school without any problem. Y/n was walking towards the school with her hand on her arm. She can't believe that 10 people have been found killed. And they all like her. Ayano was walking to the school happy that all those people that liked her Senpai are dead. Until Ayano looked at her Senpai. Y/n was not happy.

Poor Senpai, but, they tried to take her away from me, I'm not gonna let that happen, Ayano thought to herself.

Ayano was still looking at Y/n. After she put on her school shoes, wasn't going to the fountain in the middle of the school. When Ayano put on her school shoes, she ran after Y/n to see where she was going. Y/n was heading to the hedge maze. Ayano was confused at first when she was following her. Then she found her at a dead end in the maze. Ayano was in shock. She found out that Y/n went there, to cry.

(Ayano POV)

I was gathering enough courage to comfort Senpai. "Senpai?" I said looking down at her. She looked up at me with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Ya- Yan~Chan?" she said trying to stop crying. I go to her with my hand on her shoulder.

I can't believe that I'm touching my Senpai's shoulder!

"Are you all right?" I asked, "I saw just a little sad."

She just started crying again. Then she just hugged me. I started to blush. Then I hugged her back. I rubbed my hand on her back to calm her down. "These, killings happening." she said still crying, "I-I don't want to die, or you." My eyes widened.

She doesn't want me to die?! She is so sweet. Although, I killed most of those people.

I let her lay on me. My face wasn't red anymore. "I swear," I said, "I won't let anyone hurt you." Senpai looked up at me, "B-but, what if you get hurt?!" she said. I patted her head, "I won't get hurt." I answered, "I'll just be keeping you safe." She got up, "Thank you," she said. "We should go to class." she said. I looked at my phone to see that the time was 8:26 A.M. "Oh shoot! We better get going now!" I exclaimed putting my phone in my pocket.

(3rd Person)

The girls ran to their classes. Almost bumping into everyone. But they both got to their classes. After class it was lunchtime.

(Y/n POV)

I've been thinking about what Yan~Chan said to me in the maze. She won't let anyone hurt me. I still don't know if I'm gonna be safe when she said that though. I'm still worried that she might get hurt. "Senpai!" I heard someone call out. I looked over to see Ayano. "Oh, hey Yan~Chan!" I said. She sat next to me. I went to grab my bento then realized that I forgot to grab my bento on the way to school. "Oh no!" I exclaimed. "What is it?" Ayano asked. "I forgot my bento," I groaned.

(Ayano POV)

She forgot her bento? Good thing I have an extra one. I pulled out two bentos. I gave one to her. "Thank you!" she exclaimed. I just smiled. We both ate our bentos then headed to class.

(5:45 PM.)

I went over to Senpai's locker. I put in a note saying, "Meet me under the Sakura Tree behind the school at 6:00 PM."

After I put in the note, I dashed to the Sakura Tree. When I got there, I was waiting for Senpai to get there.

(3rd Person)

Y/n went to her locker to get ready to go home. Until she saw a note in her locker. "Meet me under the Sakura Tree behind the school at 6:00 PM." she read. She put the note in her pocket. Then she ran all the way to Sakura Tree. She stopped to catch her breath. Ayano came up from behind the tree. Y/n looked up to see her in front of her. "Ayano?" Y/n asked. "Hi, Senpai." Ayano said. "I need to tell you something, if that's okay." she said.

"What is it?" Y/n asked. Ayano getting enough courage to speak. "I have been developing feelings for you Senpai!" she exclaimed. Y/n had her eyes a little widened. Then she grabbed Ayano's hands. Ayano was a little flustered at first. Her Senpai was holding both of her hands. "Ayano," Y/n said, "I have feelings for you too." Ayano was so happy that her Senpai loved her too. They shared a sweet and soft kiss as the cherry blossoms fall around them. They broke up the kiss. They both held hands as they left the school.

(Ayano POV)

I won my Senpai's heart. Now she is mine, forever.

(Y/n POV)

Ayano and I are together now. I feel safer with her by my side.

(Hey y'all! Demon Child here, I hope you enjoyed this story. Bye.)

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