Chapter 16 - Into Darkness

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It's been two days since Calypso's speech. Surprisingly, nothing had happened. Everyone needed a moment to relax and tell themselves they'll make it throught this.

Even though they might not, it's still important to have hope.

I would have said I was bored, but when it comes to situations like this, being bored is the best possible thing. Because, you know everyone is safe.

At least, for now.

"Do you think she's right?" Willie asked me. We were staying in our room, to be safe.

"Who?" I asked.

"Calypso. About us surviving. Do you think she's right? Will we?"

"Of course." I replied.

Hearing myself, I realized I was only saying that to myself and Willie feel better. Panic that the Imposter will strike again soon still lingered in my chest.

"Attention all crewmates, please report to the table for a meeting." An automated voice announced.

"I haven't heard that before." Willie said.

"Maybe it's because this time it's not an emergency." I said with relief.

The door freaked open as me and Willie exited our room.

"Be careful," He told me. "I still feel unsafe out here."

"I don't blame you." I said back.

Calypso was the only one there, it seems everyone needed a second to arrive. She had an unreadable expression as me and Willie sat down.

Personify arrived after us. He had a sleepy Tattle next to him, rubbing his eyes. "Tattle was just napping earlier." They said.

The small purple crewmate groaned as he sat down next to his new caretaker. "I wanna go back to beeeed." He said.

"You will soon." Personify said back.

Sadie and Syn came next. At this point, I assumed they shared a room, like me and Willie.

After that, Soul and her pet Harvey.

"Listen, everyone." Calypso said.

Everyone perked up. After her speech, everyone looked up to her more. Even me and Willie, though we still had our doubts.

"I've decided to assign you all fresh, new tasks. I'll also be putting some of you in teams."

She cleared her throat.

"Personify and Tattle, you two will stay together. Since your his new guardian. Sadie, you will be on your own. So will Syn and Soul. Caylee and Aubbie will be together. Willie, I notice you haven't been doing tasks, so you will do them solo so that you get them done faster. And I will be in my room, like usual, if any of you need anything. Now remember, stay safe."

Sadie looked a little angry, probably because she couldn't be on a team with Syn. I noticed they had been getting closer recently.

I decided to get out of here before Sadie turned her glare to me. Me and Willie parted ways and I went over to Aubbie.

It felt nice to finally be with her again, since we haven't interacted during those two days of silence. Aubbie seemed just as happy to see me.

"The first task," Aubbie started. "Is wires near Navigation. Sounds pretty easy, come on."

Once there, Aubbie did it herself. We decided on taking turns doing each task until they were done.

She was having a hard time separating them. As I sat staring at the empty hallway, unease formed in my chest.

"Okay do-" Aubbie couldn't finish her sentence.

The lights went out.

"D-Don't panic. Just stick together." Aubbie said. "We'll just wait this out. We're too far away from Electrical."

"A-Agreed." I said. "Let's do that."

Then, something even worse was heard. The sound of a vent opening.

"The Imposter's coming!" I said frantically. "Aubbie, we need to get out of here!"

"Y-Yeah! Let's go!" Aubbie said, taking my hand and dragging me away.

Two seconds later, we bumped into a wall.

"W-Wait! I think I have a flashlight with me! Let me just get it... It'll only take one second!" Aubbie said, looking in the pockets of her suit.

"Aubbie..." I said, knowing know was a dangerous time for this. But it was true, we needed a flashlight, or else we would be running into walls every second.

"I do have one!" Aubbie said, pulling it out and turning it on. "Let's-"

Then, an ear-peircing inhuman screech erupted from behind us. It made us both jump.

I had already started running, but stopped dead once I noticed Aubbie wasn't with me.

I heard another sound, one like someone getting... stabbed...


"Aubbie!" I said, instantly turning around and racing back.

Her flashlight was on the floor, not a good sign. I picked it up and shone it on her to make sure she was okay.

She wasn't. A huge hole had been aggressively peirced into her back, blood pooling out from under her.

No no no no no...

I tried my best to hold her up, because I needed to get her to Ocean right now. I picked up the flashlight with my other hand.

It felt like Aubbie weighed a million pounds while holding her with only one arm, but I needed to see ahead of me.

I heard a vent closing, the Imposter wad finished with Aubbie.

When the lights came back on, I ditched the flashlight and put all my strength into carrying Aubbie. She was a lot less heavier that way, but still it took much strength.

As I reached the end of the hall, Sadie was coming the Navigation. When she saw we with Aubbie, she jumped back in disgust. I didn't care what she was thinking right now. There were more important things to do.

The trip to Med Bay was agonizing, with Aubbie's weight and the stress of having someone about to die both pulling me down.

"Ocean!" I gained the strength to call out. Thank god they were in there. They came running immediately.

"Jesus, what hap-"

"Help her. Please." I said, letting go of Aubbie unintentionally. Ocean caught her, thankfully.

Ocean stared at Aubbie in horror. "This is a huge wound, I'm not sure if I-"

"Please." I said, collapsing under the pressure.

In a flash, they were gone.

Syn, Sadie, Soul, Personify, Tattle, and Willie had all arrived at the scene.

Soul looked down at me, covered in Aubbie's blood, and the long trail of blood leading up to MedBay, and assumed I was the one hurt. I could tell by the look on their face.

I sat up just a little bit, to show them I had no wounds. It wasn't me who was hurt.

"It's Aubbie." I said.

"What? She's the Imposter?" Syn asked.

"No. She's... hurt." I said.

She might live, don't worry.

Not even my own thoughts could comfort me anymore, and I lay back down in my friend's blood. Barely breathing, and barely able to think.

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