Chapter 23 - Deathbed

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First, there was a faint buzzing noise. Then it got louder. Then I started to hear muffled voices, and eventually they became clearer.

"She looks very very dead to me!" I heard Willie's panicked voice first.

"She isn't, don't worry." Said another one... Calyspo, I'm pretty sure. "Look, I can see her breathing. She was just knocked unconscious by the Imposter, and I think she'll be okay. But she will need medical attention for that nasty head wound."

"So she's going to MedBay?" A third voice, soon recognized as Personify, asked. "I don't think she'll want to on that bed, because that's where her friend di-"

A fourth voice interrupted.

"She has to be put on that bed, there isn't a second one hiding around waiting for somebody who doesn't want the first one."


"Okay, well, good luck trying then." Personify replied sarcastically, and then there was fading footsteps. I only heard two feet, which meant Tattle wasn't with him.

At this point, I was awake, but I just had my eyes closed. I had stopped listning once I heard Ocean's voice, and attempted at falling asleep again so I could wake up somewhere that I wasn't on a cold floor.

"Once she's in MedBay, I'll have to put some of that strange black liquid in a jar and research it. It has to be from the Imposter." Ocean continued.

"Could it be... spit?" Willie asked nervously. "Did the Imposter try to eat her?"

"Could be, but it's unlikely." Calypso said, getting a small bit of the black liquid on her finger and inspecting it.

She then made a slightly disgusted face.

"This is really slimy though..."

"I'll be in MedBay, waiting, okay?" Ocean said. Then I heard footsteps that faded with each one.

"That's it." Willie said. "I'm taking her to MedBay and guarding her. I can't just leave her alone with the threat of one of you wanting to eat her and other people. I don't want to sound rude Calypso, but I can't trust you or anyone at this point."

"Its good not to trust anybody. It means you're smart." Calypso said, a slight tinge of hurt in her voice. "But at least let me help you carry her, you don't know how heavy she is."

"I'm awake." I said, opening my eyes.

"That's good." Calypso said. "Do you think you can walk to MedBay?"


"Do you want me to help you?" Willie asked. I nodded, and he let me put my arm over his shoulders.

Once it became clear he was slightly struggling, Calypso decided to join in on carrying me.

It was easier to walk than I thought, but I was still drowsy. At the foot of MedBay, Ocean was already in there, inspecting small jars. Some had weird liquids in them, and others were empty.

The bed was empty. Aubbie wasn't there anymore. Someone had probably disposed of her body while everyone was doing tasks.

"Lay down on the bed for me." Ocean said without turning to look at neither of us.

I knew they were probably talking to me, so I did as asked without any complaints.

The feeling I felt as I sat down on the thin white sheets could only be compared to having a ball of ice in my chest. Like having a fear that something is going to happen if I stayed on this bed.

After all, a certain someone did die on it.

Ocean then approached me with a small, empty jar.

"Stay still. I just need to get some of this weird liquid in here..."

What liquid?

I looked down slightly, making sure not to move my entire body, to see dark, black liquid coating my lower waist.

"Strange..." Ocean said as they held the now full jar of liquid in from of their face.

"If this has DNA in it, then we might just be able to figure out who the Imposter is."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes." Ocean replied. "The Imposter, that isn't me." They gave me an unsatisfied look.


I ended up not replying, and they then went to the outside of MedBay, wherw Willie and Calypso were waiting.

"I need to leave again." Ocean said.

My blood began to boil.

Again, after everything that just happened?

"That's why..." Ocean continued. "Calypso, I need you to watch Caylee while I'm gone."

"Okay." Calypso replied.

"Wait, hold on." Willie said. "What about me? What do I do?"

"Your production of tasks is very low, Willie. It's best that you focus on getting them done. I can look after her." Calypso said.

"Can you?" Willie asked again, his voive wavering with nervousness.

Calypso let out a long sigh.

Ocean intervened. "Look, Willie, I get it you're worried, but do as Calypso says. She's the mission leader, you need to put your trust in her."

"I can't do that! That would make me vulnerable!" Willie said.

"You can come back when I do." Ocean said.

"How long will that be...?" Willie asked, in a lower voice.

"Longer than last time, unfortunately." Ocean said. "I need to do a special task in Comms, that will hopefully give me more information on this weird liquid."

"Okay..." Willie said, walking away. From every step he took, it sounded as though he didn't want to take it, and turn back. But he couldn't.

I knew exactly how he felt. Wanting to look after somebody you care about, but being torn away them.

Ocean is keeping Willie away from me. Just like they kept me away from Aubbie.

I was slowly starting to become drowsy again, so any kind of protest I wanted to give to make Willie stay remained in my head and were kept from escaping my mouth.

My mind became clouded, and soon I was in the state of being awake, but not able to process anything regularly.

"How long do you think you'll be gone?" Calyspo asked, a slight tinge of skeptism in her voice. Though, it was mostly unnoticeable. Ocean didn't notice it.

Ocean sighed. "The process takes thirty minutes or more..."

"That's fine." Calyspo sighed. "I'll stay here with Caylee. I just need to get my laptop from my room, so I can manage everyone's task production at the same time."

"I guess I'll be off then." Ocean said.

"Hey Ocean, stay safe, okay?" Calyspo asked, as the medic began to walk away.

"Of course." Ocean said, smiling lightly at the leader.

Once they left, Calypso exited after them.

Soon, Calypso would be back. Just the two of us, alone...

[DISCONTINUED] Making It Out AliveWhere stories live. Discover now