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endless wilderness
"to think i should help these idiots"





a girl pounced on the hiker, legs straddling his torso as she came in from behind. her dark coloured hair was almost the same shade as the night sky, covering her face as she fought to feed herself. it was only quick, the victim's scream could only be heard for a split second.

his body hit the dirt with a thud, a few cracks were picked up with the impact. the corpse was now slightly off the track, invisible to the human eye. the attempt of hiding it wasn't to ensure her escape, but rather for the girl to forget about it.

yes, she was a vampire, but her feeding habits were there for her to survive - not to enjoy. she wasn't disgusted by it, or ravished, just neutral.

continuing the journey, the girl further went off the prepared track for a faster arrival. her face was now visible, hair forced behind as lightning speeds took place.

she was a young adult, darker makeup supported her eyes, eyelashes framing them to appear more fox-like. it was accompanied by a burgundy coloured lipstick spread across her lips, desirably plump by many who walk into a cosmetic surgery office. her skin was crystal clear, a common feature amongst vampires. although pale, it was evident that had a warmer, tanner skin tone while human, some attributes still visible today.

the way the girl leapt across uneven surfaces, dodging trees while ducking under branches has clearly been practised, some other vampires unable to reach her physical fluency. she was travelling along the united states-canadian border, unfamiliar territory after she received a phone call.

the cullens. she was an old family friend of theirs, but that was partially a lie.

1720, the year carlisle cullen departed from the volturi. she met him in italy that day, helping kickstart his wildly reputable doctor career, currently residing in forks, washington.

she never visits the americas, perhaps not feeling the need to. the more developed places all had warmer temperatures, unlike those in far-north europe during the summer. there was never a need to travel there, nor a desire.

the girl paused, taking in unnecessary air as she tugged at the leaves and twigs in her hair. she was finally nearing the home of the cullens, the scent of the family now becoming evident within the area.  stepping over the border, the vampire was hit with three more scents, those not combining with who she was ought to visit.

she shrugged it off. it was a fair way away between the place she stood and forks, there would have to be other covens nearby. or perhaps other nomads, they're becoming more and more frequent these days. technological advancements made it easier to survive alone, and many prefer to become independent.

although, it was strange for the scents to appear stronger as she grew closer to her destination. her feet halted in her tracks, snatching the map out of the back pocket. it was small to ensure it fit in the jeans she was wearing, especially considering poor design among women's clothing. unfolding the crinkled paper, it was concluded she was travelling in the correct direction. mysterious.

furrowing her eyebrows, a shadow was cast above her eyes, not needed to block out any light. she was merely confused, jolting her head towards any source of the sound. they didn't give her fake directions, did they? surely not, it wouldn't benefit them.

they called the girl to help them, not to make matters worse.

"to think i should help these idiots," she mumbled to herself, a growing vocal fry heard towards the end of the phrase.

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