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a surprise visit
"and where do you think you're going?"


he was losing control, with blood-lust as his family members surrounded him in worry.

edward was instructed to suck the venom out of his girlfriend's veins after james' bite, but couldn't seem to handle the task. it would be a shame for all this work to go to waste, yet it wouldn't be a worry for the girl.

althea stared from the background, hidden away from the view of the others. in all honesty, she found this amusing - as after all, it was only a consequence of his actions.

there was no evidence on her exterior to present these emotions, still just pure disgust. leaning against a pillar, she was not focused on the action ahead of the girl, rather waiting for it to end.

the sounds of bella's squirms and cries slowly dimmed down to silence, causing a reflex in althea to walk forward.

peering over the kneeling bodies, she could finally see the state of the human, who was currently passed out.

taking a sharp breath, she decided to speak up,"this wouldn't have happened if-"

"shut it," edward hissed, whipping his head around to glare at the girl. he should know what he did wrong, but there was no excuse to be rude towards her.

the boy picked up the limp body of the human, sickly pale from the amount of blood she had lost. he looked out of it too, perhaps guilty from losing control earlier.

"no," she asserted, not allowing herself to be taken control of, "why did you think that was a good idea? you're idiotic! you brought this upon yourself."

edward looked as if he were to rip her head off this time, but how could that happen, if he couldn't even do it to someone classified as a threat?

"althea," the fatherly figure started to warn, understanding how his adoptive son may react, "not the time."

she didn't care though, an inexperienced boy who's madly in love won't even get close to harming her.

"not the time? i came here to help, not get pushed to the side once i receive an opportunity!" her voice was raised, breathing heavily although unneeded, "i feel like no one has enough trust in me."

it was almost taunting how no one responded to her. sure, bella's dying body was probably more important than althea's emotions and outrage, but this still could've been fixed.

"that's exactly what i'm talking about."

those were the final words exchanged between the krajcz and the cullens that day, and perhaps for an extended period of time. they rushed the body of the human outside, probably heading to the nearby hospital at the current moment.

fantastic, not even a thanks from anyone else, nor a deserved apology. she at least wanted to get something out of her trip to the country, only problem was, she didn't know anyone around.

she could have a bit of fun back at forks perhaps, and take a comical route of revenge. yes, she was just annoyed with another for being immature, but if that's the game being played - so be it.

they still owed the girl now, right? she killed him, she completed the deed, and it was edward who offered in the first place. that's ironic, for someone who wanted her help so much, why did he cut in himself? sometimes you don't have to be the hero.

her thoughts blocked out the entering figure of the studio, completely oblivious as she slumped against the pillar.

it only occurred to snap out of her daydreaming when the familiar dangerous feeling crept up the back of her spine. it wouldn't have been classified as a familiar feeling for althea a couple of days ago, but due to a lurking redhead, her power has been picking hers up.

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