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"you know i love you"


althea was left there in shock, the outburst still at the front of her mind, feeling an emotion within the unfamiliar territory. so much for attempting to fix her on-edge outbursts, probably in a worse position than she was before.

she had always gotten what she wanted, never afraid to speak up for her own good, utilising manipulation to her advantage. never, had she ever felt so speechless in one moment, basically frozen in place without a single opportunity to react as she usually would.

you're so pathetic, aren't you?

were the very few words that stuck with her since the encounter. she was questioning it, perhaps for too long, which probably made her in such a state.

"i hate this," the girl mumbled to herself, running a hand through her hair. there wasn't much time left, with the clock running down, this supposed fight will occur within the upcoming hours.

why should she care if anyone dies, it's not like any of them would care either way. maybe it's a message from the universe, telling her that it's time to depart for good, and return back home. all this time would be wasted, sure, but there's no point wasting even more time. no matter how curious she was about how things will turn out, it's best to leave.

that wasn't the first time she had promised it.

not too far away, victoria was setting herself up for battle, eyeing her enemies, with only limited numbers. she wanted to laugh, there was only seven lining up to attack hundreds of newborns. what confidence they had in themselves, it was impossible.

the cullens stood in a fighting stance, heads tilted down as they listened to the vigorous footsteps ahead of them. they were all out of sync, bloodthirst kicking in as they already started to drive insane.

swiping the leaves and branches away with ease, some even decided to push each other out of the way, in hopes they would be the first to the initial kill.

the second one foot reached the clearing, the cullens took this to run forward, asserting as much upper hand as they could push with their smaller numbers.

with ease, they simply ran in a straight line, one single punch able to decapitate the enemy. all their hard hours of training appeared to wear off positively, with the army quickly decreasing in numbers.

the redhead watched between two bushes, absolutely horrified when a pack of wolves entered to help the cullens. is this what althea meant when she would be killed? was she truly out-skilled? maybe she shouldn't have been so harsh on her with the reaction to the newborns, after all, it's against the law.

scanning the area, victoria came to a quick realisation that the human, along with her boyfriend, wasn't on the battlefield. at least now, it'll only be the two of them, which should be easy with another companion wrapped around her finger. shame, it would've been easier with a third, but she simply couldn't pick a side.

rushing off again, she caught the intoxicating scent of the swan, the trail leading up to the mountain. perfectly secluded, clouded her mind, even if there was a bad feeling sinking in her.

she ran up the mountain, shoes sinking into the snow creating an inhuman-like track behind her.

although she was angry, and furious with the events happening around her old friend, her mind still wasn't set straight. she had a feeling it was about the previous night, remembering every once in a while how she lashed out, kicking herself for her reaction. now althea's reminders filled her mind, you're going to get killed, seemed to be like a reality, even if she was awfully confident a couple of days ago.

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