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"i just took you out on a dinner date...hush"

mild sexual content


victoria warned, watching as the brunette wiped her mouth clean of the blood.

"what?" she questioned, an innocent smile covered her face, burning the body beneath her.

"there's no reason for you to do that," the older vampire snarled, prowling closer to the girl with a glare accompanying.

althea complied, decreasing the gap between the two of them, hands clasped in front of her body, blissfully unaware of the emotions sparked in the other.

"victoria," she copied her tone, drawing out the name on the tip of her tongue.

a small growl came from the redhead, completely closing the gap between them. "maybe you can find a way to feed without seducing your meal."

the soft glow of the setting sun painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, a different environment alluding to the situation. a few moments ticked by, a gentle breeze blowing their hair slightly out of shape.

"is someone jealous?" althea smiled, lazily throwing her hands around the other's neck. she was bold, she knew that, but what was the worst that could happen?

victoria's nostrils flared as althea's hands encircled her neck, her gaze intense and unforgiving. "jealousy is beneath me," she hissed, her eyes narrowing at the audacity of the young vampire before her. the sunset's warm, inviting hues seemed at odds with the tension crackling in the air.

althea tilted her head coyly, her lips curling into a mischievous smile. "oh, victoria, why so indifferent? i thought you enjoyed a little game of seduction now and then."

a flicker of uncertainty crossed victoria's crimson eyes, and for a brief moment, althea detected a hint of vulnerability beneath her tough exterior. she leaned in closer, her lips dangerously close to victoria's ear. "or perhaps," she whispered, her voice a seductive purr, "you just can't resist me."

victoria's jaw clenched as althea's words hung in the air, a charged silence enveloping them. the older vampire struggled to maintain her composure, her resolve waning as althea's allure wrapped around her like a silk ribbon.

althea's fingers traced a tantalising path down victoria's neck, causing a shiver to run through her body. she revelled in the power she held over the usually self-contained vampire. still, she didn't want to merely tease. there was something more profound beneath the surface, an unspoken desire that had been brewing between them.

with a slow, deliberate motion, althea pressed her lips against victoria's, igniting a spark that had been smoldering for far too long. their kiss was electrifying, passionate, and filled with the unspoken longing they had both denied for the last few weeks. the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them locked in a heated embrace beneath the painted sky.

as they broke apart, their breaths ragged, althea couldn't help but smile triumphantly. "see, victoria," she whispered, "sometimes, a little seduction can be quite enjoyable."

victoria's eyes, once filled with anger and defiance, now held a hint of desire that she could no longer hide. she reached out, pulling althea close, and with a fierce intensity, she kissed her again, sealing a promise that had been unspoken for far too long.

her heart was heavy with an important decision that she couldn't delay any longer. she gazed at the peaceful face of althea, who stood in front of her.

victoria had been contemplating this for a while, one that would not only impact her own future but also their situationship. she wanted to go back to england, returning home after this sought-out adventure.

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