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pick a side
"she's too busy hooking up with riley, i want nothing to do with that army either"


victoria peered at the damage caused from a higher surface, with no emotion laced on her face. it was a wonder whether she cared or not, the sun setting behind her in such an elegant manner.

she knew the volturi had come to check up on what she was doing, seeing them from a distance as they kept a look of disgust upon them.

jumping down, she was now clear in the guards' view, making her way towards her partner in crime, riley. oh what a pawn in her game he was, such naïveté has never strung upon someone so harshly before.

she strolled up to him with a fake look of lust, using her astonishing appearance to get her way. perhaps she would be called a whore if she were human, moving on to someone else so quickly after her partner had been murdered.

"don't underestimate them riley," she spoke, her eyes so close to the other's, the redhead never broke eye contact, "we'll have the numbers, but they'll be able to anticipate your every move."

she was speaking from experience, of course, only narrowly escaping the area a few times due to her own ability. she could anticipate their every move too, but why would she need to tell the man?

he was still sceptical, still not being provided with true evidence just said, "according to your friend?"

"my dead friend."

winning his feelings over with empathy was her strategy, never telling him the deeper relationship this 'friend' had with her.

they continued to go back and forth with each other, victoria pulling out every card in the bag to make him believe. it worked, to say the least. as the brunet rested in the crook of her neck, he growled.

"i will end the cullen clan."

a small smirk appeared on the woman's face as he exclaimed this, although not reaching her eyes. with the presence of the volturi guards nearby, she had to be very careful with her actions.

it was in her best interest to make a deal, she knows she's broken the rules, but she also knows the cullens and the volturi aren't on the best of terms.

victoria slammed her lips on riley's, feeling absolutely nothing, but she was a fine actress. their moans got louder and the screams did similarly in the background.

althea could hear them, both, stationed at a midpoint between seattle and forks. she was sitting on a bench, hands in her hair regretting following carlisle's request in the first place. it was a serious situation, but when she's torn between two sides, is it really an advantage to have her on your side?

"i love you riley," she heard the faint murmur of victoria from afar, turning her head away as if she could see the event.

something shifted in her at that moment, her confusion turned into anger fairly quickly, bolting up as her eyes melted black. she just fed, it was out of pure rage.

there was no need to try and pick a side, it was already settled when she first arrived. the cullens. that's who she's supposed to fight for, and that's who she's going to fight for. it wasn't to defy edward's act of persuasion from before, although it did make her think, she's old enough to make her own decisions.

the screams of the seattle humans grew fainter as she returned to forks, avoiding the eyes of the public by staying in the shadows. it was something she had acquired over many years, almost unable to track if needed.

"althea?" rang the voice of her blond friend, surprised to see her back at such a time, "i thought you had left the states."

a sigh came from the girl, closing the door behind her as she took a seat on the couch, "i was going to, but decided to finish what i came here for."

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